So, apparently I’ve become the queen of lawls. You know, lawls…lols…
The hubster took note of it and made me aware.
On several occasions this week I answered his messages with either a singular lawl…or multiple lawl…lawl…lawl…
And he wasn’t amused!
Okay, well… I have a legitimate excuse. He’s been away on a business trip and I’m dealing with end-of-school-year madness at home alone, among other things. Everything seems comical and hilarious when you’re tired or sleepy.
Plus, I’ve been WhatsApping with my high school friends.
And you know nothing good can come out of that! You turn into a 12-year old when you do. And your language reflects it.
Lawls seem perfectly fine to me to answer your husband’s message of:
“They want me to stay here one more night, can you remember to pick up the dry cleaning after work tomorrow. I need my new suit for the (son’s) award ceremony. Also, find me a new tie to go with it.”
Now, Features!
In no particular order, the following are your most favorite links from last week’s fiesta. They each received 7 votes!
Strawberry and Ricotta Cake from Margy @ La Petite Casserole
The sweet potato & chickpea salad that evolved into a dill & yoghurt dip from Elaine @ foodbod
Mixed Berry Tiramisu from Mara @ Put On Your Cakepants
Onion Naan from Jess @ Cooking Is My Sport
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #122 by adding your link. Don’t forget to link your post to and the co-hosts’ blogs. Your co-hosts this week are Mollie @ The Frugal Hausfrau and Aruna @ Aharam
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines
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How lovely to be voted for in the picks ??? I’m so proud, thank you to those who voted xxx
I’ve got to be honest, I’ve never ever used a ‘lawl’…looks like you’re making up for my lack!!!
Not a word I would use if you want to be taken seriously, Elaine, lol! Psst..I voted for you, too! I need to do something like that, build up on leftovers. Somehow I think easier with veggies. Meat leftovers are a little..uhh…gross lawl!
Thank you, that’s lovely
I’m glad I can inspire xx
This post made me….lawl (no pun intended haha) My default text reaction is a “lol” most of the time.
Thanks to those who put my naans in this week’s features, that means a lot. Happy FF Angie
Lawl, Jess! Your naans look soo….yum!! I love naans! I’ve made them a few times but haven’t tried with them onions, silly me! Sounds so totally tasty, mmm…
Everything looks wonderful!!
Uh huh, totally agree! ?
Wow! Thanks a lot everybody for being featured! unfortunately I cannot make it this week, but see you next week for sure!
Sounds like a plan, Margy! Can’t wait for next week! La Petite Cusines! ?
Love the features, as ever – it’s funny how I think voting and having hosts still often picks similar posts! But fun to have voting now and then. Have a great weekend!
That goes to show you that good recipes always in the end get the spotlight and voters are as savvy as cohosts ? You too, hon, have a wonderful weekend! ?
Voting was so fun. I see posts I voted for!
I don’t think I have ever used ‘lawl’, but I don’t have an answer for that if somebody would ask me why.
Happy FF, Angie. I wish you a relaxing weekend! x
Good job, Jhuls, you did your duty as a voter! No, don’t start using lawls, coz once you go there, there’s no going back…lawl! See what I mean? ?
The features look great! You must be exhausted…hopefully you can rest this weekend
Not yet, Antonia, no rest yet. Maybe by next week. But it’s okay, I’m still lawling ??
Lovely features, and I won’t hold it against anybody that one of my posts wasn’t voted in as I co-host this week!! LAWL!! Seriously, I’m so happy to be back co-hosting for Angie and ya’all and excited to be co-hosting with Aruna for the first time!!
Angie, meat leftovers can be tough – that’s why I just came up with my steak Chimichanga, which would be just as good with any other type of protein.
Happy Fiesta!! lawl!!
Bad, bad voters!! Not voting for Mollie!! I’m sure they meant to, though, lawl ?? Thanks for cohosting GF! Have I told you you’re the best?! ??
Oh and thanks for the chimichanga idea! You’re the best! ??
Haha, great LAWL’s
Super yummy features this week. Hope everyone has a great weekend and Happy Fiesta Friday to all!
Busy weekend for me, Sarah, but I just keep going and lawl away ?? What else can you do, right? Happy FF!
You crack me up Angie, I use lawls all the time, probably way too much!! Have a great weekend and I whats app too!!
Haha, lawl…Suzanne! We’re sisters! My husband wasn’t happy to get the lawls though. But I was swamped and he piled on more things to do! Only one thing you can do, right? We gonna just lawl! ??
Lawl ?????
Lawls ha ha. I used to poke fun at those “kiddie acronyms” before, now I am right there with everyone else. Texting has really destroyed us all, there’s no hope! SMH!! Thanks, Whatsapp, I’m in touch with family and friends worldwide for free!! Great features!
A few times this week whenever I replied to comments I almost wanted to use acronyms and those shortcuts, you know like “n” for “and” etc. But I resisted!! Though I’m getting so bad at punctuation. As you know you hardly use any with texting. Oh, dear…
Love the features Angie!
Thanks, Su! When can you cohost again?