Anyone here ever experienced cyberbullying? It suddenly dawned on me that I may have become a victim of it recently.
Without going into details, let me just say it is so annoying! As a matter of fact, it makes me angry!
If these people truly value my friendship, they wouldn’t be doing this, right? So, what should I do? Should I cut them out of my life? You’re supposed to cut out toxic people out of your life, right?
You know, just like those ingredients past their expiration dates in your pantry. You’d throw them out, right?
When it comes right down to it, though, I’d probably just ignore them. I’ll go ghost for a while and let things cool… That’s right, deep down I’m a pushover. Or maybe I’m just a more mature person than my friends. Let’s just go with that! I’m the grownup in the group.
Besides, it’s Friday and I have a fiesta to attend to. Who has time for childish, obnoxious behavior?! We want to party and have fun instead! Right?!
Now, Features!
Blueberry Banana Buckwheat Layer Cake from Hannah @ Domestic Gothess
“Even though this is a beautiful looking cake with the fresh blueberries and mascarpone cream filling, one of my first thoughts was “buckwheat flour”. Like Hannah I have some sitting in my cupboard as I was going to make some sourdough bread using it. I think many would agree that this cake is a much better choice than a loaf of bread, at least for now.” — Judi
“You know what?! That makes the three of us! I bought buckwheat flour thinking I’d make pancakes with it, but of course I promptly forgot. I told you I have lots of forgotten ingredients in my pantry, didn’t I, some of them past their expiration dates?!”– Angie
Arugula Salad with Corn & Burrata from Josette @ thebrookcook
“This recipe is the perfect end of summer salad filled with many fresh ingredients such as arugula, tomatoes, corn and fresh herbs. Tossed with a light dressing and this wonderful Burrata cheese just made my mouth water. This cheese was recently introduced to us through a pasta dish by fellow blogger Johanne (which is delicious by the way). Burrata resembles a fresh Mozzarella ball but when opened there is a rich tasting soft filing of fresh pieces of Mozzarella soaked in heavy cream – oh my!” — Judi
“How awesome is this salad, huh?! Everything looks so fresh and happy and just beautiful! Like Judi said, just perfect to celebrate the end of summer!” — Angie
Apple Cider Mimosas from Haley @ if you give a blonde a kitchen
“What a great beverage to serve for a Fall brunch or perhaps a special birthday breakfast. Oh heck – I would not need a reason to make this. Besides the apple cider and champagne (I always use Prosecco) the cinnamon sugar rim is a really nice touch. Apple season is almost upon us and I will be making this soon.” — Judi
“Same here, Judi, same here!” — Angie
Fish Taco Rice Bowl from Aditi and Nikhil @ Confused Bawarchis
“This is not your typical “rice bowl” or at least how I think of one. The addition of an Apple Pico de Gallo sounds wonderful on top of taco flavored fish and barley instead of rice. What a great substitute when you are trying to eat healthier grains. Look at the pictures – wouldn’t you love a bowl? This recipe is a keeper!” — Judi
“Apple Pico de Gallo?! Say no more, I’m sold!” — Angie
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #135 by adding your link. Don’t forget to link your post to and the co-hosts’ blogs. Your co-hosts this week are Loretta @ Safari of the Mind and Natalie @ Kitchen, Uncorked
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines.
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I have to be honest, I don’t even know what cyber bullying would look like…but even so, if someone has done that to you, why on earth would you still want to be friends with them????
I hope you’re okay x
It’s just like any bullying (saying mean things, public shaming, on and on…) but it happens online, mostly on social media. Anyway, yes, I’m rethinking our friendship. But to be fair, they may not have understood the hurt they caused, though I’ve let them know once how I feel and they repeated it! Some people!
Hmmmm….cut and run!
I think that’s a good idea!
Ignoring works…well hopefully! It’s worth a try at least.
Lol, Colleen! I’m taking a sick day! Didn’t plan to but we’re going out of town later and I haven’t given Skye her bath. The cat’s out of the bag ?
Hi Angie!
Sorry you had to experience that… I’ve never experienced cyber bullying myself, but I have regular old school bullying. I’m constantly cutting negative people out of my life. Bullies don’t deserve your time/energy/tears, so I say cut them out and focus on the people or things that care about you, value your friendship, and therefore, deserve your attention. Hope you feel better 🙂
Happy Fiesta Friday!
That’s what my husband said, too. And my daughter! She’s so wise, my baby girl. I don’t know why some people think it’s ok to make others feel terrible. If I knew I did something wrong, the first thing I do is apologize. But some people apparently feel they’re never wrong. I actually feel sad for them.
Anyone that is a bully is not a friend and not worth the time of day! Have a good week Angie 🙂
Well said, Judi! I’m trying to stay away and not respond. I can probably just leave the group, however some of them are truly lovely people so I’m torn.
Oh no, that sounds terrible! I’m sorry you experienced that Angie. I hope it’s over. The features are wonderful this week and I am so intrigued by that beautiful cake made with buckwheat flour.
Give it a few more days, Antonia, and I know I’ll feel better. It’s good exercise for me to stay calm ? That cake is amazing!!
Cyber bullying!?!? What on EARTH. I’m so sorry to hear that. 🙁 I agree with Judi- anyone who is doing that is not worth your time- now OR in the future.
On another note- Thank you for featuring my arugula salad! You made my day. 🙂 Happy FF & Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks! Judi is so wise! And your arugula salad WILL be made! Sounds incredibly refreshing! Have a great weekend, Josette! ??
So sorry Angie. Give that bully the boot. LIfe it too short!
You’re so right! I’m beginning to think I CAN do this. Thanks, Johanne! ?
Being cyberbulled by some of your friends must be hard, for me it would be harder that receiving this by someone anonymous. As mostly of the girls before me said, people like that is not worth neither your friendship, nor your time. I really hope you are ok.
I guess maybe they weren’t friends to begin with, whatever… I think maybe they thought they were joking, but I didn’t find it funny. I do feel better now after venting. Thanks, Margy! ??
Goodness Gracious!! That’s what it is called nowadays? Cyberbullying. I am a true Scorpio – anybody who wants to be mean etc. to me I just simply dont know anymore – completely ignore. And believe me, that enoys them even more than a possible heated word exchange. Luckily it has not happened to me (yet?) but another thing which drives me really mad are people who use their blog in trying to “educate” their readers/followers in Blog etiquette etc. etc. and send this nonsens out twice a month.!!!
That’s exactly what my husband said!! He said my silence would speak volumes, much more than retaliation or exchange of words. And I think he and you are right. Blog etiquette?! You mean there’s such a thing, lol. Oh please…people just need to calm down; surely there are more important things to worry about. Thanks, Carina! ?
Hi Angie! I am sorry to hear this! Some people! I can’t imagine anyone would want to cyberbully you. If it happens repeatedly and you can unfriend them …then I probably would. Life is just too short to deal with people who are less than kind. My two cents 😉 Wishing you a wonderful FF and weekend!!
I’m this close to unfriending, Arlene! I’ll give it some time and then when they least expect it, I’ll do it ? You’re absolutely right, life’s too short! Thanks, GF, have a great weekend! ??
Cut all toxic life out of your life immediately. Life is too precious and too short to put up with people like that for even a second.
Toxic people that should say
I’m already thinking they’re gone with the wind… Not worth my time to dwell on them, right? I need to focus my energy on the people that treasure you instead. Thanks, Nadia! ??
hi Angie
It sounds like you have encountered a bad person. It is too easy to be someone you are not online but no matter where you encounter these people, online or in real life, they are best avoided and cut out of your life! You are such a lovely person so head high and leave people like that behind! 🙂 x
Well, they’re certainly insensitive, inconsiderate, rude and obnoxious…I guess yes, they’re bad…I was avoiding saying the b word there, but hey if the shoe fits… Yes, you’re right, best to avoid them! Thanks, Petra! Going out of town later so hopefully the weekend will start on a good note ??
Have a great weekend and take care 🙂 x
hey there, cyberbullying or bullying in any form isn’t acceptable. Get rid of them. Block them. Is it on wordpress? If you need help I am sure there is plenty out there and you have plenty of listening ears here too <3
Not on WordPress, but group chat. Don’t worry, I think I can handle this. I’ll just get out, that’s the best thing to do. Thanks, Justine, I feel so much better already from the care and concern you all have shown me ??
awe, big hugs xx
You don’t need the negativity, hold your head high and stay above it all 😉 Happy FF and Have a Great Weekend!
I like that, Sarah. It’s a challenge not to respond but it’s best not to get in the mud with them. Thanks! Hope you’ll have a great weekend! ??
I’m so sorry you’ve been a victim of cyberbullying. I know what it’s like to be bullied, and I can see from the comments above you’re making the right choices. You are your own person, and you are wonderful the way you are. People who have to cut others down to make themselves feel good aren’t true friends. You deserve true friends! Thank you for all your hard work, and thank you for always providing us such a beautiful space to enjoy Fiesta Fridays.
Thanks so much, Nell! You have a way of putting things in perspective. Your kind words are so comforting to hear. I’m so glad I have my Fiesta Friday friends as my sounding board and grateful to receive their support. Hugs! ??
Angie that sounds horrible, definitely not something you should have to take. Cut them loose!
I agree, Caroline. I think that’s what I should do, thanks! ??
You are far too fabulous to have to be worrying about pettiness! That’s no friend of yours! Luckily you have all of us fabulous peeps to remind you. Just sayin’!! 🙂
And it all probably stems from insecurity and envy on their part!! You go girl!
They have way too much time on their hands! If they weren’t so idle, they wouldn’t be spending precious time criticizing other people. Maybe they should take up blogging ? ? Thanks, girlfriend! I’m lucky to have you all as my sounding board ??
WHAT?? NO BLOG?? I don’t know how you can associate with people like that, lol!! Seriously, have they seen how gorgeous yours is??!!!
You know it’s funny I’ve never even told them I have a blog! It’s weird I know. I only told close family members, a few select friends, and even fewer coworkers. This group of “friends” on the other hand, I’ve always felt wouldn’t appreciate my blog. It’s not their cup of tea, so to speak. In hindsight, that should have been a warning sign, lol.
Lol! Well, friendship needs to be a two way street, although everyone goes through periods when there’s an imbalance, tough times, but only you can be the judge if the good outweighs the bad…
So sorry to hear that, Angie! How did that happen? I always wonder what trigger people, worse “friends” to do such a thing. I reckon it’s always good for the soul to cut out all the toxic people in your life.
Thank yuo for hosting #FiestaFriday and don’t you worry about the bullying!
I figure these are generally rude, insensitive, unkind people. They have no empathy for others. And I’m learning that just because we’re supposedly “friends” doesn’t make it true. It’s very sad… Thanks for your kind words ?? I’m so glad you enjoy Fiesta Friday!
I’m glad to contribute to FiestaFriday too, Angie! It’s a great place to commune for food. 😀
It’s sad, and you are better off without such “friends” now. Their loss 😉
That’s great to hear, Ann! And yes, we’re better off without these so called “friends”. There are so many lovely people in the world, right? ?
Too right! 😀
Hello Angie, better late than never…..I’m sorry I haven’t responded earlier to my favorite person on Fiesta Friday 🙂 It’s too bad you’ve experienced what you did. Cyber-bullying is becoming pretty rampant across the globe. Is that because social media has taken on so much of our lives? I mean we eat, breathe and sleep social media. I too have a tendency like all the others to press “delete” and be done with it. But like you, I have an emotional side too and it would really bother me for a while. I hope things sort themselves out and that you can turn a blind eye to it (easier said than done I know). I hope you’re enjoying your weekend away, wishing you love and peace.
It doesn’t bother me as much now after getting such supportive feedback from all of you. That’s why I LOVE you ALL and Fiesta Friday! I think it’s even better that we know one another semi anonymously; less pressure. With “real” friends, presurre to conform is too demanding. I know I’ve been “blacklisted” from parties just because I didn’t attend previous ones. Some people just don’t understand prior commitments. They want you to drop everything! If they’re truly real friends, they’d understand, right? Anyway, thanks for the lovely words, Loretta…I’m so grateful I have virtual friends like you; sometimes it feels you’re more real! ??
Oh my… That cakes looks so yummyyyyy!!!
I’m drooling along with you ? Check out the recipe @Domestic Gothess.
sorry to hear that you’ve been cyberbullied – that;s awful 🙁 The opposite of awful is that salad with creamy cheese and corn – it looks amazing.
Yes!! My thought exactly! Time to focus on what makes us happy instead, in this case, food! Lol! ??