Here’s a peek into what’s been going on inside my head these past week:
- I need more time to learn about this blogging business. I mean, real time, like hours at a stretch. I know very little of it.
- I can’t, realistically, manage 2 blogs at the same time.
- It gets confusing, at times, what my focus is. FiestaFriday or TheNoviceGardener.
- It gets repetitive and redundant, posting essentially the same things on both blogs.
- I need to abandon one blog. And it’s the one I’ve been neglecting, i.e., TheNoviceGardener. Sad, but it’s time to say goodbye to it.
- I might still keep it up but mark it private, or just delete it. I’m not sure yet.
So, with that, I’ll move on.
To a new frontier. I hope it’s for the better.
It will be Fiesta Friday from now on. All the time.
What?! How did this get in here? Okay, I just thought you need a breather from all the talking. It’s Joe’s Crab Shack surf n turf burger. So good!
I’m now in the process of merging the two blogs. I’ll be bringing over older posts that are FiestaFriday-approved, updating them whenever I can. You may be getting email notifications as if new posts have been published, I hope you won’t mind. They all carry good recipes, I promise!
And I’m doing this all by myself. I may regret this later. But the funny thing is, every time I talked to the experts, they kept telling me that even though they could do it for a fee (ranging from $129 to $149), I could also try doing it on my own and that many people were able to do it. And they willingly showed me how to do it!
So far it’s pretty easy. Just takes time, since I do it bit by bit. It’s all about learning, peeps. By the time this is all done, I may become an expert myself. NOT! But I can at least give you a few tips.
I also hope to be able to transfer my TheNoviceGardener followers over. I know my Fiesta Friday followers will welcome them with open arms. I don’t see any problems; they’re kind of overlapping anyway. Many of you know each other already. And I hope TheNoviceGardener followers will like what they see here and stay.
Okay, serious business announced, now it’s time to party! Not that partying is not serious business. It’s very, very serious! I take my partying very seriously!
A Royal Repast: Dal Baati Churma from Naina @ Spice in the City
“This is such a beautiful collection of dishes. I loved learning about their history and how to eat them together, as well as the recipes. These are new Indian dishes to me, and I love it.” —Elaine
“Shut the front door! Oops, sorry, but that was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this! C’mon, will you look at that? It’s absolutely rocking it, this Royal Repast thing!” — Angie
Roasted Red Pepper and Hazelnut Pesto from Mara @ Put on your Cake Pants
“This dish looks so creamy, and I don’t think I could stop at just one dish of this sauce on a plate of pasta.” — Julie
Empanadas with Pancetta, White Beans, and Queso Fresco from MB @ Bourbon & Brown Sugar
“Is there anybody who doesn’t like empanadas? No! Is there anybody who can resist this version, with pancetta and queso fresco? Double No!! Sounds completely and insanely to die for! P.S. Check out all the beautiful travel pictures from Buenos Aires, too.” — Angie
Purple cauliflower and pear flan with roquefort sauce from Margy @ La Petite Casserole
“Being the vegetable lover that I am, I just love this purple cauliflower! And paired with pears, and Roquefort, even better :)” — Elaine
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #103 by adding your link. Don’t forget to link your post to and the co-hosts’ blogs. Your co-hosts this week are Sonal @ simplyvegetarian777 and Petra @ Food Eat Love
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines
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Well hello! Surprise!!! It’s me ? I think down sizing to one blog is a good decision and it will be lovely to mix and mingle with your new readers. I have every belief that you will get it completely sussed and be the all knowing blog-set-up-superstar before too long xx
I feel smarter already, haha… But it feels good doing things yourself instead of always relying on “experts”.
I know what you mean, I’d far rather figure things out for myself, as long as I don’t get to the point of wanting to smash the laptop/iPad!!!!
If you ever decide to go self-hosted, I can show you how to migrate your entire blog. It’s pretty simple, but as I said takes time. Even if I went with the experts, the re-coding/re-uploading will still have to be done by yourself, and that’s the part that needs time! I saved me $129!
I keep thinking about it…tell me, what would you suggest are the key benefits or reasons for co hosting?
For self-hosted, you mean? Many. You can control your blog 100%, no restrictions from WP and you can earn money off it.
But control what? What am I missing out on being a blog?
Well, for one thing, you can’t host a link party. And you can’t really manipulate the design/look of your blog, unless you customize which costs money.
Okay, thank you, food for thought for sure x
You’re a superstar now.
You mean superslacker? 😀
Happy FF Angie 🙂 I reckon you’ve got the right idea with the blogs and your Novice Gardener followers would be nuts not to follow this too!
Thanks, Mandi! I hope you’re right. WP folks tend to be more idealistic and artistic. They march to the beat of a different drum, so to speak 🙂
Well I’m certainly not going anywhere 🙂 I’ll remind you of all of this when you hit FF #200!!
That’s great to hear! XOXO
yeah! its weekend already for me with this party 🙂 Happy FF Angie and a good weekend.
Me, too, Trupti! I always resent having to go to work on Fridays. I want to party with you guys! There should be a new law, a 4-day work week law! 😀
🙂 I agree! you know Sweden is fighting for a 4 day week – 6 hours a day! that sounds like a place to be in..
Let’s all move to Sweden! 😀
I am in 🙂
You have been busy Angie, exciting times & you’re right there’s so much to learn. I don’t know how you managed to work on 2 blogs, I struggle to find time for one. Look forward to seeing your new posts. Happy FF & have a great weekend x
If you can manage with less than 5 hrs sleep, then there’s time, lol! Yup, I’m working on new posts, too. It’s going to be a cooking weekend. Might as well, a foot of snow is predicted.
Beautiful line up of dishes. I will be late or have to sit this one out depending on whether I can get everything prepared for snowmagedon that will be hitting us tomorrow, I think merging the sites is 100% necessary and will make your life much easier. Hopefully see you at the party later.
I already went food shopping yesterday. I bought everything in the store, no kidding! Including 3 dz. of eggs! Deviled eggs, anyone? 🙂
I also have 3 dz eggs, milk, going to bake bread starting it today. Made pastry crust and its in the freezer, making chili and soup. Lots to do.
Stay warm and safe Angie!!
You, too, Suzanne!
I hope it’s ok if I amended my tart post and brought to the party. I know I posted it a few days ago but things are crazy busy here and the tarts are party food IMHO!!
It’s ok! Bring it! We wanna see!
I brought my orange and chocolate tart. Today has been wild trying to find kids snow boots was a quest it was like a girdle sale people grabbing snow boots out of your hand. I saw a woman grabbing them and stuffing in her bag, shoplifting them and run. Security ran after her. It was awful today.
OMG, that’s so sad! She must have been desperate. I would have gladly paid for her. I’m so thankful to have everything I need. Except maybe cheese dip. I bought chips but no dip, bummer. How shallow do I sound, right? 🙂 So glad we get to see your tart!
Big decision to merge the blogs and a lot of work but I think probably the right decision – will certainly make it easier for you in the long run. Good luck! Love all the features – many are ones I would have chosen too!
I’m glad you agree. I’m only going to upload the recipe posts, though. The rest I just keep in a private archive. I just couldn’t delete, I’m a blog post hoarder! 🙂
I can completely understand, I would be the same (my poor parents still have folders of my university essays in their cupboards 🙂 )
Wow, tough decision, but the right thing to do. I can only imagine how time consuming it is to manage 2 blogs and host a fabulous virtual party every week also! Always grateful to you for Fiesta Fridays. I look forward to it every week – thanks:)
So sweet! That’s why you’re Little SWEET Baker! So glad you agreed with my decision. XOXO
I think it is a great decision to merge the two blogs and focus on one. Like you said there might be a lot of overlap as both are your products. I always wondered how you managed to so efficiently maintain both blogs. I think I should contact you for improving my blog now!;)
I’m so glad you agree and I’ll help in any way I can, Su. Though I’m not familiar with Blogger platform.
That’s very nice of you Angie! I will ask you for help if and when I migrate to WP
Congrats Angie. That has to be a weight lifted from your shoulder. Who new the work and things we had to know to do this. I’m glad you are keeping this great group of partiers together!
I feel better now knowing what I need to do in the months ahead. It was like cutting the cord, haha… But I’m loving all the learning so far. I hope I’m not turning into a geek! But then I can work for geek squad! 😀
Did you create your own header Angie? I need to redo mine but think I will go pro this time.
I made my own. It can use some polishing, maybe when I have time. The pineapple is crooked but after a while I kinda like it crooked, lol!
I didn’t even notice until you said something! LOL! 🙂
I would suggest that pay them to mov your blog. I did it myself and under the experts guidance and eventually they did move for me and I didn’t pay them anything….but the end result was mess. I lost so many pictures from older posts or they were there but didn’t show, so I had to save those pictures and reload them. I still keep visiting my older posts to correct them or re do them.
And thank you for letting me host. I am excited to be in company of Petra :).
But they told me even if they move it, you still need to reload the photos yourself. Anyway, it’s all been migrated now, but I’m looking at each post with a critical eye to make sure they’re worthy of re-publishing. Thanks for co-hosting!
Lovely, lovely features this week! Those empanadas are something I want to try!
I totally understand about the need to focus on one blog. I had a more personal blog in addition to my food blog, but I only have time for the food blog these days. One day I’d like to move my WordPress-hosted blog to be self-hosted, so I am following your transition with great interest. My big question is whether a self-hosted blog will result in more web traffic?
That’s a difficult question to answer, Julia. Many factors affect web traffic. I do know one thing, is a highly optimized search engine platform, making it easier for you to get traffic, plus the instant connections with other users. However, with hard work, like anything else, eventually you’ll gain presence and traffic. The motivating factor to many is that you can now earn from a self-hosted blog. I’m not an expert of course, but this is honestly what I think. 🙂
Hi Angie,
Thanks for the party and thanks to both co-host Sonal and Petra.
You’re welcome! Enjoy the party, Sadhna! Mix and mingle, talk up some of these rowdy guests 😀
Hey Angie! This is a great idea to merge the two. I’m glad you told us because I was beginning to wonder why I was getting your older posts… not that I mind at all because they are all scrumptious! Your blog is really looking awesome, by the way! I’d say that you know a lot about it!
I’m happy with the progress so far, but I still need a few more things done to my satisfaction. Nah, who am I kidding, it’d probably never be done! Most of the republished posts have been updated. Better-written recipes, I think.
I like the idea of condensing the blogs. I learn something new about blogging pretty much everyday haha! Have a great weekend and Happy FF!
But I find it exciting! All this learning. We’ll be snowed in this weekend, we’ll try to stay warm 🙂 I hope you’ll be warm where you are!
Good decision to merge Angie. Is this Joe’s Crab Shack in Jacksonville FL? They cakes look awesome! Stay warm and safe in the coming storm,❄️?❄️
No, local Joe’s Crab Shack. We love it! They have this appetizer called Great Balls of Fire and they’re very good! I have a post on that @TheNoviceGardener. I’m going to see if I can update, maybe new pictures and then publish here at Fiesta Friday. My recipe was good! That was the recipe that was plagiarized! 🙂
Good idea Angie, I think I have both the blogs on one site now, or hopefully I do anyway (yours I mean). You guys are waaaaay too advanced for me. Self-host, host, etc.etc. I feel I’m quite content, just visiting FF each week, and posting something once or twice a week. But I do want to change my theme, and feel a tad intimidated to even do that, as I’d need to make other changes once it has been switched. Oh well, glad you finally managed to work things out at your end. Stay safe this weekend. I’m all set, I re-stocked the liquor cabinet and got chocolate! What else does one need? 🙂
Lol, you’re hilarious! And here Suzanne and I thought we did everything right by getting 3 dz eggs! I should have done inventory on the liquor supply instead! Changing themes should be fine. WP is user friendly. Go for it!
It’s insanely difficult to maintain one blog. You’re amazing to be able to manage two all this time. There’s always so much to learn about blogging. And it’s hard to do it when you have your day job too. If you install Jetpack plug in and link Novice Gardener to Fiesta Friday through your log in, you can transfer the followers over. =)
Yes, I did that last night. It was so easy that I thought I must have done something wrong. Why are we paying the experts, really, to do anything?! Lol. We should talk sometimes, Andrea. Work on a project together or something. 🙂
I think sometimes when you ask the right questions, you can get advice on how to do the tech stuff yourself for free. lol. And I would love to work on something with you, Angie!
Merging the two blogs sounds like the perfect idea, Angie. And I am sure your followers from The Novice Gardener will absolutely love us. 😀 Thank you for hosting such a wonderful party and creating a fabulous community. Happy FF103, Angie, and I hope you enjoy your weekend! xx
I’m glad you agreed, Jhuls. And thanks for the sweet words. I just hope that I can do a better job at this blogging thing now that I can focus on one blog. We’re completely snowed in, but the fridge is fully stocked, so I’m not worried 🙂
I am happy to know that your fridge is fully stocked, Angie. Is the snow expected to be gone on days?? I wish I could experience it someday, but maybe I’d freeze! 😀
It’ll continue until tomorrow, but we’ve had worse. I have the heater right under my feet, so I’m all toasty ?
I can’t imagine how you have been able to keep two blogs at the same time, I struggle with one! But a great job! And I love FF, I always get tones of inspiration from everyone posting.
I get by with 5 hrs sleep, that’s how, lol. Just kidding, but it was a struggle and I ended up doing a poor job, I think. Now that I have just one, I’m hoping to improve my blogging behavior! So great to hear you enjoy FF. I hope you get the chance to mix and mingle with some of these incredible people. XOXO
You are very impressive Angie. FF alone is a lot of work. It is a great idea to merge the blog sites. 5 hours sleep! I couldn’t survive and would be a real pain to live with. I just moved to a paid WP site in order to have an easier transition (I was running out of space on the free one). Self hosting sounds a bit scary but I would really like to have more control. I look forward to hearing how it goes for you.
How in the world did you run out of space? How many posts total have you got? Might as well go self-hosted, Liz. You’re already half way there. It’s really not as scary as you think. If you use WP everything is pretty much the same. Plus you’ll be able to earn money which will pay for the hosting fee. Go for it!
You are one super blogger, Angie. It is a good decision to merge your blogs. Serious about hosting your FF. 🙂 I bet! That’s what makes this the BEST blogger’s link up ever. Love to be a part of this. Keep rocking, dear.
Hey Apsara! I just got here and you popped! Such a welcome sight! And I’m no super blogger, slacker blogger more like, lol! And my time you want to co-host just let me know. What week is good for you?
Angie, I will co-host the weekend of March 11, when we have spring break. I have taken up some part time lecturing jobs that keep me busy these days. Excited about it!
Good for you! It’s nice to work part time even if just so we can get out of the house! I’m putting you down for 3/11, can’t wait! ??
I love your blog site!!!! What platform do you use? I love it! Is it a WordPress page set up?
Yes, it’s WordPress, but self-hosted. I’m so glad you like it!
As you can see, you are not the only one who need a little bit more of time : ) many days after I am realizing that I got featured… at least this time I had the excuse to be in the rush of my departure from Italy… I think you are doing right merging the two “realities”, you will have more “quality time” to dedicate to the activities are behind all this, cooking and sharing. As Aspara said, you rock! Just let me know if would like the idea of letting me co-hosting, it would be a pleasure!
Yes, absolutely, I would love to have you as a co-host. Just let me know when! Safe travels! XOXO
What about FF of the first week of February? It would be just perfect!
I’m covered that week, unfortunately. And waiting for confirmation for the following week (2/12). Any other week, you can have.
Let’s take the following week (2/19) if is ok with you!
Yes, 2/19 is fine! I’ll put you down. Thanks!
My offering is just finished so I am joining this party very late! But HELLO everyone!
That’s ok, better late than never as they say. Generally, though, earlier links get more views. But it’s not all about getting views, it’s also about getting to know each other 🙂
Yes, for sure – getting to know each other is the best advantage of this Fiesta Friday! 🙂 Thanks again for hosting! 🙂
Hey Angie! This is my first post here and I am so glad to be a part of FF. I already have few blogger friends Sonal, Apsara and Suchita here, who have already told me about how wonderful this place is. Looking forward to make new friends and having great time with all you talented bloggers. Happy to be here 🙂
Well then you’re already in! Although I want everyone to feel in and welcomed, new or old friends alike. I’m looking forward to getting to know you, Swati! 🙂
Angie, how is the merging going? I have a second blog – more of a personal journey that I have neglected shamefully for spooninasaucepan, and I often think of merging them. However, both blogs are so divergent that I have hesitated about doing it. Would love to hear more about it!
It’s going well so far, just slow, only ‘coz I’m somewhat OCD. Otherwise merging is pretty easy to do. I’m only going to move posts with recipes over since that’s what FiestaFriday is about, leaving the gardening stuff behind. 🙂
Ok! Sounds like it’s a bit of work all the same! Good luck, and I look forward to reading over your recipes.