It’s one week away from Thanksgiving and I have yet to find the strategy on how to broach the subject of not roasting a whole turkey to the family. Mostly because I somehow know it’s not going to end well.
There was this one year, the only year, when we decided to reserve a table at a restaurant for Thanksgiving. When we got home, everybody was glum. There were no leftovers in sight. No leftover turkey, no leftover biscuits, no leftover gravy, no leftover corn pudding… nothing… nada… It was sad.
Every year, my husband and kids look forward to the Great Thanksgiving Leftovers Sandwich. Which somehow doesn’t taste the same if it’s not made with Thanksgiving leftovers. Beats me why that is. It’s just not the same.
Truth be told, I do look forward to the sandwich myself. And honestly, I look forward to one week of living off the leftovers. I actually enjoy the challenge of trying to turn those leftovers into something completely different from their original state. And I find a certain satisfaction when I can do it successfully.
Am I actually arguing against not cooking the whole bird? Sounds like I’m sabotaging myself! Maybe I’ll get a small turkey this time. A very small, under 10-pound turkey. If I can find one, that is.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving, Fiesta Friends!
Now, it’s Features Time!
“Now I know what to serve on Thanksgiving morning, this looks both delicious and beautiful.” — Liz
“Me, too! I may even use fresh cranberries since I somehow can’t stop buying them, accumulating bags and bags of them in the fridge!” — Angie
“I always enjoy the backstory from this blog and I know tamales are a holiday favorite. These are especially lovely.” — Liz
“Cheesecake…chocolate…oh my!” — Liz
“Whaaa… pumpkin powder?! Well, I’ll be darned, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of it. But it’s ingenious, I tell ya, ingenious!” — Angie
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #355 by adding your link(s). Don’t forget to link your post to and the cohost’s blog so you can be featured.
Your cohost this week is Jhuls@The Not So Creative Cook
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines.
I SO agree with you about leftovers – lovely as they are, or, with the addition of imagination, given a second life as a different dish!
Sandwiches epitomise the best of leftovers; making the most of them, just as they are – with a fresh twist. Your Thanksgiving masterpiece is just stunning – Happy Thanksgiving!
Aaw, thanks! Strangely, normally the kids are not open to leftovers, except when it comes to Thanksgiving leftovers, or Christmas, or Easter. Only on special occasions, I guess. Maybe because the meals are usually specific only to the occasions, therefore they’re once-a-year type things.
Wishing you and yours a very happy thanksgiving and many thanks for the awesome parties!
Miz Helen
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Miz Helen! Thanks for partying with us! XO
Oh, I’d make the whole turkey. Freeze some leftovers and all…. Besides some people prefer the dark meat, others the white. (I am one of the former.) Plus the best things after are: casseroles, soups, and open face toasted/grilled turkey sandwiches. At any rate, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
You’re right. I’ll probably end up doing a whole turkey and freeze half. The other half we’ll pick apart for several days. I’ve tried many things with the leftovers over the years, but this year I’m looking forward to trying Japanese korokke with turkey and stuffing. It sounds delectable; the only concern is the deep frying part. Maybe I’ll air fry instead. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Diann! XO
We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving at home. It must’ve been so nice having those leftovers good for one week. The sandwich looks amazing! Happy Fiesta Friday, Angie!♥️
You can adopt the holiday, Jhuls, even if people where you live don’t celebrate it. I know it’s getting popular in different countries, too. I have friends overseas that celebrate Thanksgiving; they told me many hotels offer Thanksgiving dinner packages. Thanks for cohosting! XO
It’s my pleasure, Angie. Btw, I sent you 2 emails – let me know if receive one or both of them.
Got them, Jhuls, thanks so much!
Thanks for all the work keeping the party going!! Have a great weekend!
You’re welcome. Thanks for fiesta-ing ?
Hi, Angie; I was planning on baking just a turkey breast, but after reading the arguments above, I am seriously considering a whole turkey (LOL). Thank you for hosting another great party, and especially thank you and Liz for featuring my Layered Bean Tamales; this week I am sharing #14 Tacos Acorazados and #15 Colima Style Sopitos. Have an awesome weekend!
Yeah, I think in the end that’s what I’ll do. Besides, a whole turkey looks prettier on the platter. Lol, I need my food to look pretty!! That’s why I so love your layered tamales. They look so pretty. I’ve made sweet tamales with purple masa before, and they looked somewhat pretty, but the layered ones are even prettier. Thanks for sharing!
Yes, the left overs are the best part I think! One year I gave away so much food to all our guests it only left us with left over turkey & some stuffing. It was disappointing lol, but hopefully our guests enjoyed it. My husband makes my father in law’s turkey soup recipe and I will make turkey club sandwiches. Those are tradition, plus every year I try something new but nothing sticks like those two. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I so agree with you re: leftovers. Btw, do you have that soup recipe on your blog? I’m thinking my soup can benefit from some improvement ? Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
That Blueberry Bun – yum! And good luck on figuring out your Thanksgiving plans – sounds like there’s benefits to either side. 🙂 Thanks for hosting! I brought by some Miso Tofu. Hope you enjoy. 🙂
Yes to the Blueberry Bun! I have a feeling I’ll be as busy as any other year on Thanksgiving ? It’s ok, it’s once a year. Miso Tofu sounds fabulous!
I look forward to the “after the feast” sandwich! Open face style with mayo and cranberry sauce! Thanks for hosting and a special thanks for featuring my Chocolate Cheesecake, have a great week ahead!
You’re welcome. The chocolate cheesecake sounds so decadent and delicious, yum! And yes to the “after the feast” sandwich!
Thank you for the inspiring ideas and recipes – GREAT party as always. This week I brought CANDIED BUTTERNUT SQUASH, MAGIC DUST HOT WINGS and HOLIDAY CRANPINEAPPLE JELLO SALAD. I hope you’re having a GREAT week.
You’re welcome. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with a poll for WHAT’S ON YOUR THANKSGIVING MENU? Let’s see what dishes everyone serves.
You’re welcome. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Dee!