My first day back to work was rough. Physically and emotionally.
My body was conditioned to take it slow during the stay-at-home period, so the normal rushed activities typical of my working mornings resulted in, what I would imagine, moments of hot flashes. True, it was an extraordinarily humid day, but I had never in my life before produced that much perspiration. It wasn’t pretty.
And to see the coworkers I had not seen in months and not be able to give them a hug was tough. Even when we said hi to each other, we had to do it 6 feet apart, behind a mask. It felt very constraining.
All of this contributed to a strange and discomforting day, to say the least.
It’ll be interesting to see how long it’ll take us to get used to this new norm. I take comfort knowing we’re all in this together. It’s not fun but it needs to be done.
Luckily I’m already off again until next Tuesday because of Labor Day. That should give me time to recuperate. Yeah, even a few days’ worths of work, with scant human interaction, and a mask on for hours at a stretch, can take a toll.
Therefore, this was dinner last night:
Fried Rice + Cauliflower, using leftover rice from Chinese takeout and frozen cauliflower rice. I was too sleepy to think of a complicated dinner when I got home from work.
It’s Features Time!
“It’s a perfect cooling summer drink for Labor Day.” — Liz
“Oh yum, this looks and sounds like a winner.” — Liz
“I’m the mom who would steal her kids’ gummy candy. Yup, that’s me! Gummies are my weakness, just don’t get me near any! But these Mango Probiotic Gummies sound downright healthy. I’ll have to find time to make these.” — Angie
“Blackberries are in all our hedgerows, [so this is a] perfect recipe.” — Liz
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #344 by adding your link(s). Don’t forget to link your post to and the cohost(s), so you can be featured. Your cohost this week is Laurena @ Life Diet Health
If you’re interested in cohosting Fiesta Friday Link Party, please let me know.
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines.
Angie I’m sure you are relieved to have a long weekend now! So far I have managed to avoid any group meet ups like that, I’m still quite happy mask free at home! Schools went back here this week and there are no masks in class and students are sitting next to one another and passing papers between themselves! I’m really hoping that all this sudden interaction doesn’t cause a second wave here!
Anyway, I love all the features from last week and no doubt as co-host this week I will find even more delicious things to add to my ever long list! I changed what I was sharing today, as the radio informed me that it was National Fish & Chip day here, so of course it had to be based on that! 🙂
Have a great relaxing weekend. x
Oh geez, I’m surprised how lax the rules are over there. Right now our schools are operating with only virtual learning until all the AC units are fixed to comply with regulations. When the students come back, they will be required to wear masks, and desks are spaced 6 feet apart. Not sure how the younger students would be able to adhere to the strict rules. Btw, Laurena, you can link more than one post. I saw a wonderful Turkish cookie recipe on your blog last night. Why don’t you link that one, too.
Oh Angie, I don’t envy anyone going back to work. I lost my job due to C19 but still have my blog to work on and get those all important traffic numbers up. Hope the next time you’re in is less full on xx
Sorry about losing your job, but yes it means you can work more on your blog. I’ll try to help increase the traffic numbers by visiting multiple times 😀
Under those difficult circumstances your dinner sounds perfect. At least you had enough energy left to take a good picture. I am sorry Angie. Let me know when you need another cohost, I am available.
It was the only photo I took, didn’t even have the chance to set up lighting etc. Luckily it was good enough to post. Doesn’t always work out that way. I need a cohost next week and the 4th Friday of the month. Would you like to fill in one of those weeks?
Would you mind staying on for another week, covering next Friday, Sept 11th?
Hi Angie, thank you so much for featuring my Peach Mocktail recipe! Actually I’m as glad as anything to know that I must have linked the post correctly. I always hope I get each new blogging step right.
As far as going back to work, I’m impressed that you got a meal together at all, and it looks pretty tasty to me. I’m retired, but I always felt that in starting any new job it would take 2 weeks to get back into the rhythm.
Thanks so much again for hosting Fiesta Friday.
Hi Beth, your Peach Mocktail sounds refreshing. You took great photos of it, too. How wonderful to be retired; it’s the next milestone I can’t wait to start 🙂
That dinner is spectacular- nothing better than creating something so wholesome from leftovers
Thanks, Zeba! I try to recycle leftovers whenever I can, but not always successfully. When can you cohost again?
How about the last week of Sep?
That works. Thanks, Zeba!
I like your balance – fried rice mixed with cauli rice. 🙂 And thanks for featuring my mango probiotic gummies – they’re super easy, and no need to feel bad about stealing your kiddo’s if you’ve made enough for everyone. 😉 Thanks for hosting! I brought by some Shrimp with Creamy Tomato Basil Sauce. Hope you enjoy. 🙂
Thanks, and you’re welcome. I’ve always wanted to give homemade gummies a try, now I have no more excuses. Love the sound of that creamy sauce for the shrimp.
I love popping in here for the party. Thank you for hosting! I brought Chicken and Corn Enchiladas Suiza, Chili Stiffed Zucchini Boats and Hawaiian Stir Fry Pineapple Boats. I always find such inspiring ideas and recipes. I hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend.
You, too, Tamy. Thanks!
I met few friends as well but no hugging. It was sad, yes! But it’s comforting to know that they are safe and I am glad that you are, too, Angie. The fried rice with cauli rice sounds fantastic. I love the perfectly cooked egg on top. Yum! Have a lovely weekend and Happy Fiesta Friday!
Thanks, Jhuls. I’m still getting used to the new normal. The hardest is keeping the mask on for hours while at work. But it’s a small sacrifice, I guess, if it means I can keep the next person safe.
Life is not what it used to be is it? And I suspect it has changed forever. Work will no doubt settle back into a routine, but it will be a very different place for a while for sure. At least we have great food to eat and share xxx
And thank you for featuring my crumble bars xxx
You’re welcome. Your suspicion may be right. These changes may stay here forever. But they’re meant to save lives, so what can we do except to follow, right?!