This week seems weird to me. It started out s – l – o – w….
And then it speeds up, way up, in the end! I’m flabbergasted it’s going to be Mother’s Day in two days!
I was planning to make some homemade treats to send to my Mom and Mil. But at this point, I think it’s more likely that I get help from ProFlowers or Harry & David, my two favorite helpers in time of emergency.
Nothing wrong with getting help. We all need it at one time or another, am I right?
Take this Fiesta Friday, for instance. Why, without the help from my cohosts, there is no way and no how I can run it week after week. So, to all my cohosts – past, present, and future – I say thank you for all that you do to keep this going. YOU ARE THE BEST!
Now, let’s look at features from last week’s party:
Tricolor Dessert Trio from Caroline @ Caroline’s Cooking
“I think this is pretty incredible! Caroline incorporates 3 different desserts that represent different cultures and make them into ONE unique “melting pot” kind of dessert, in the shape of Old Glory. Nothing says United States more than unity in diversity, and that dessert says it all. Bravo!” — Angie
Hibiscus Strawberry Margarita Ice Cream Float from Dini @ The Flavor Bender
“How can anyone not drool over this! The Strawberry Hibiscus Syrup in a Margarita makes this one of the unique adult beverages I’ve seen in a long time.” — Mollie
Turkish Pide from Linda @ La Petite Paniere
“A fun Turkish dish that I’d love to try. It seems you could easily substitute it with any meat of your choice.” — Scarlett
Roast Pork, Stuffed Apples & Parsnips from Justine @ Eclectic odds n sods
“I can so imagine this coming to the table at a dinner party – can you imagine the oohs and ahs?! This would make any cook look like a hero!” — Mollie
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #118 by adding your link. Don’t forget to link your post to and the co-hosts’ blogs. Your co-hosts this week are Kaila @ GF Life 24/7 and Laurena @ Life Diet Health
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines
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I’m so excited to be linking up for the first time today Angie! I heard about Fiesta Friday from Debbie at The Mountain Kitchen! Can’t wait to see everyone’s recipes!
Welcome to Fiesta Friday, Colleen! I checked out your rhubarb ice cream, had a little trouble commenting, but I thought you should know that I think its’s gorgeous! That color! And it’s a lovely tribute to your brother. Happy FF, I hope you’ll have fun! ?
Welcome Colleen!! So glad she joined. She has great recipes to share and beautiful photography! <3
What lovely features Angie! There is nothing wrong in taking help every once in a while ;)! Happy FF Angie!
I’m so glad you understand me so well ? I try to make my life less complicated ? Have a great weekend and happy FF, Su!
Happy Mother’s Day to you Angie & all the mothers here!
Same to you, Su! Happy Mother’s Day to you too!
Angie it is the thought that counts when it comes to mothers day and your so thoughtful. I know the moms in your life will love whatever they send.
I am happy to share a brunch that perhaps could treat some moms out there. It’s not your normal bread pudding. 🙂
Oh now I’m intrigued! Wil have to check it out asap. I do love a good bread pudding ? Have a great weekend, Debbie!
Won’t be able to join the party for 2 weeks. I am in Cape Town on vacation.
Sounds exciting! Take lots of pictures! ?
Thanks so much for the feature of my dessert – lovely surprise this morning! I will be back later to link up and mingle, have a great weekend!
That’s an amazing dessert, Caroline! You’ve really outdone yourself! Have a Happy Mother’s Day! ❤️❤️
Thank you so much for the feature!! 😀 Can’t wait to check out what everyone is bringing this week! 🙂
You’re welcome, Dini! You always come up with the coolest recipes. How do you do it? ?
Great features as I did not have a chance to look at many of the posts last week. Happy FF and Happy Mother’s Day Angie. I bet your family has lots of good plans for you 🙂
I hope so, Judi, but I heard it’s going to rain on Sunday. So I hope whatever it is they’re planning, they have Plan B ?
Great features as always! Happy FF and Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers <3
Thanks, Sarah! Happy FF and have a wonderful weekend! ❤️❤️
oooh wow I did a double take when I saw my meaty meal, I literally looked twice, was confused for a second then jumped for joy lol. How exciting!!! Thank you so very much.
You do extremely well Angie, get all the help you can I say 😀 <3
You’re welcome! I bookmarked the recipe. It sounds super delicious! Careful, Justine, you’re turning into a professional cook/baker ?? Happy FF and Happy Mother’s Day (although maybe you guys celebrate it on a different day?)
we do celebrate a different day in March, btu I am happy to celebrate it twice 🙂
Awesome features this week! Have a great Mother’s Day!
Same to you, Antonia! I hope your family spoils you rotten! ?
Thanks for hosting the party!
You’re welcome! Happy FF, Sherry! ❤️❤️
Great features Angie and thank you again. I hope you get thoroughly pampered this weekend, you deserve it. Happy Mother’s Day 🙂
I hope the same for you. We all deserve the attention, right? It’s only once a year, anyway, LOL! Happy Mother’s Day, Loretta! ❤️❤️
What a delicious bunch of recipes we have so far! 🙂 I’m getting hungry just reading all the posts – I’ve already been enticed to make pancakes, checked that I’ve got the ingredients for a savoury bread pudding for dinner, worked out how to incorporate rhubarb into dairy free ice-cream and had a look for a sandcastle-esque cake mould! I’ve added so many recipes to my ‘to do’ list and my shopping is growing by the minute! Happy Fiesta Friday everyone! 🙂
You sound just like me! I go through the same excitement everytime I attend my own party, lol. I hope you’re having fun cohosting! ❤️❤️
I’m having great fun Angie 🙂 There’s loads of lovely people at your party! What are you doing here so early on a Saturday! Are you looking for breakfast ideas?! 🙂
Some old friend from high school called and woke me up!! And then she shared my number with another and she called, too!! All that plus my husband’s snoring, I can’t go back to sleep!?
Ooo at least you got to speak to a couple of old friends 🙂 I’m with you on the snoring 😛 I know that only too well! Plus you get to party longer since you were up so early! 😀
Thanks for hosting this! I’m new to this party, but I’m working on updating my link party page so that everyone can see where I link up and I’ve added this one to the list! I’m hopeful to have the new updated list posted by next week!
Welcome to Fiesta Friday, Mary Leigh! I hope you’ll have fun. And thanks for including FF in your list. ?
Oh, thank you so much for featuring my recipe, it was an agreeable surprise this morning. I’m feel honored, thanks again guys. Happy Mother’s Day Angie, enjoy and have fun! 🙂 xx
You’re welcome, Linda! All your posts are always so popular. Your recipes are always top-rated and the photos beautiful! Happy Mother’s Day! ❤️❤️
You too, enjoy xx
Happy FF!! Lovely features this week, as always!
I was a bit absent last week, been a bit of a mad one. But I’m moving tomororw, so I’m gonna avoid packing by visiting lots of lovely recipes!!!
Omg, you’re moving?! I hope you get lots of help. I did the same thing the last time I moved, i.e., procrastinate and avoid. We finally had to call the pros to do it. They Saran wrapped my couch! Isn’t that nice? ??
Haha unfortunately I have to do it all myself, but luckily I don’t have to take too much with me!
Happy Fiesta Friday! Always look forward to your lovely collection, truly enjoying all the yum goodies. Thanks. 🙂
Happy Mother’s day Angie!
Happy Mother’s Day to you, too, Ruchi! I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying FF. ?
Excited to join this party for the first time! Looking forward to exploring and seeing what other gems folks share. –Deb
Welcome to Fiesta Friday, Deb! Mix and mingle, please, everybody is super friendly here. I hope you’re having fun! ?
Happy Mothers Day Angie, I hope you have a wonderful day with your family. I finished my courses and managed to pass so starting to get back into the swing of things. Fab features this week!!
Congratulations!! That’s wonderful news, Suzanne! Happy Mother’s Day to you, too! ??
Time is always slow during weekdays and fast on weekends, yeah? Why not have 5 days off and 2 days work? 😀 Happy FF, Angie. Have a lovely week ahead. ?
You got that right, Jhul! I’m all for a 2 day work week myself! Jhuls for president! ??
Ha! That is the best strategy to win. 😀
Thank you all for a great Fiesta Friday 🙂 Thanks especially to Angie for hosting, Kaila for co-hosting (with me) and all of you for your wonderful contributions 🙂 I really enjoyed partying with everyone and sharing your lovely posts. My shopping list is three times as long as usual and my ‘to make’ file is bursting at the seams! Sorry if I didn’t get around to visiting you personally – 108 posts is a lot of reading and chatting, but hopefully you had the chance to chat to at least one of us! 🙂 Have a great week. Laurena x
Thank YOU, Laurena! You did a wonderful job! I appreciate all the help and suggestions. ❤️❤️
Awww thank you Angie 😛 xxx
Heyyyyy Angie! How you doing? Whoooah! 118th fiesta friday! ???????? Great job darling! I missed this place soo much. Wasn’t joining the party as I was finding it difficult to cope up with blogging and everything after baby. Wasn’t getting time to go through fellow bloggers posts. So I thought it wouldn’t be fair to join the party and not see and comment on what others bought. But now I am settled, so I want to join the party real soon. Can’t wait! Next weeks party I am there for sure. ??
Oops its Friday already, I meant I wanna join this weeks party soon. ?
Lol Sadia! So I can’t wait to see you make your grand entrance tomorrow (it’s still Thursday here) and I know many of our “old” friends will be thrilled to see you! I’m so excited!! Welcome back! ??