We’re hunkering down, people… We’re snowed in…
As my aerospace engineer husband would say… If he or any of his colleagues made a mistake in his design or calculation, he’d be fired. But apparently not if you’re a meteorologist.
What was supposed to be a monstrous snowstorm ended up being…eh, just snow. And there wasn’t even that much snow. But the hyped forecast forced the schools to close. Not that the kids are complaining. Neither am I, for that matter.
It was nice to have a day at home without anything to do. It gave me the chance to sit, plan, and think.
And to select winners of the Fiesta Friday Healthy Recipe Challenge. I’ve created a scoring guide rubric to make this impossible job easier. My beautiful, brilliant daughter suggested it when she saw how much agony I was in.
I’ll be posting the results very soon. As soon as I can get this party started… So, let’s get started!
But first, let’s look at these outstanding links from last week:
Raccoon Cupcakes from Carrie @ Kenarry
“These chocolate cupcakes are topped with the cutest frosting decoration ever. Plus, there are step-by-step instructions as well as a video for you to watch and follow.” — Andrea
Caramel Bread Pudding from Anjana @ Happy & Harried
“I love this! It’s a blend of flan and bread pudding, Indian style. And it’s steamed! I’m always looking for dessert recipes that don’t use the oven, coz you know, come Thanksgiving, oven space is at a premium.” — Angie
Red Berry Pomegranate Punch from Julie @ Lipgoss and Crayons
“I do not drink alcohol, but this cocktail would make me want to drink!! Love the color & the ingredients in it.” — Su
Sriracha Ramen Noodles from Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook
“I’m a huge fan of spicy ramen noodles, and this Sriracha version sounds so delicious, flavorful, and easy to make. It’s perfect for a cold winter day!” — Andrea
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #158 by adding your link. Don’t forget to link your post to FiestaFriday.net and the co-hosts’ blogs, so we can feature you. Your co-hosts this week are Ai @ Ai Made It For You and Petra @ Food Eat Love.
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines.
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Hi Angie! How I miss the snow and would love to be snowed in once in a while (not much chance of it happening here in the UK:( I am sure you aren’t too upset about not being snowed in as white winters are a norm in your country (or are you in California?). Feeling super excited to find out the results of the Challenge!
Oh, no, not upset at all! I hate shoveling snow! Our neighbor has a snow blower and he sometimes comes over and help but there are places snow blowers can’t get into ? I’m in NJ and we get enough snow but this year’s been pretty mild. I’ll get to the results as soon as I come home from work!
Your husband is absolutely right! How do the meteorologists get away with it?? It’s been the same here…! Anyway, I’m glad you didn’t have to suffer any horrendous conditions xx
I guess it’s not an exact science, as Liz said though they sound like they know what they’re saying ?
Glad you had a day off to relax! It certainly is not an exact science.
That’s true and that’s why it’s called a forecast ? But they’re way off too many times! And they delivered their prediction with such authority… Our European model indicates there’s pressure building up blah blah… lol
Well we had about 13in or so I think – not as huge amounts as we have had in the past but enough to make getting around trickier! With the wind, it was probably as well we were off yesterday. We’re back to school today but some towns nearby aren’t, I guess maybe they have more hills that the buses can’t do until they are properly cleared maybe. Who knows, one snow day was enough for me (kids go stir crazy!). Today is sunny but so cold, it’s a shame as my eldest really wants to go sledding and not sure we’ll be able.
Looking forward to seeing the results of the challenge, how exciting!
13in is a lot! We had maybe about 4in but most didn’t even stick to the ground, just on the lawn and deck etc so I suppose we got lucky. I hope you get to go sledding even if for a little bit. I’ll be working on the results tonight! ?
Yay! Thank you so much for featuring my soup. ?? And your daughter is indeed brilliant for her suggestion. ??Happy FF, Angie, and thanks for the party. ?
And now you’re making me hungry for ramen, Jhuls! I haven’t had it in a long time. I was telling my husband we should go to a ramen house sometimes ?
I wanted to go to a ramen house, too, but I am glad that I made this one instead. ? Thanks, Angie.?
Oh how I wish the meteorologists were wrong in our area!! They had predicted huge snow storms, freezing rain, more snow, and more freezing temperatures. And we got them all!! I haven’t been able to get my car out of the garage for a week and when we went to try last night, we found that the snow ploughs had deposited 3 feet of snow and ice at the entrance and exit of the lane ways!! I am done with snow, ice and shovelling! I have never been more ready for springtime!
Poor you! Those snow ploughs ? That happens here, too, btw so I can sympathize. I’m ready for Spring, too, and Summer ??
Hi Angie! I’m glad you didn’t get snowed in! We’ve had “snow” (more like dust, really) a little here and there but nothing noteworthy lol. I keep my fingers crossed and hope that snow will magically fall and pile up so I get a snow day but I know it’s not cold enough for that?
I don’t mind a little snow actually. It’s pretty when it’s clean and white out there. But I don’t want to be shoveling! And I definitely don’t enjoy the cold! Can we have a warm, sunny, snowy day?! ?
I should have been a meteorologist. I’m good at being wrong, just ask my wife
Love all these wonderful recipes!
Lol, Andy! Then you’d be perfect as a meteorologist. You missed your calling ?
I kept thinking the forecast would be wrong, but I am snowbound with my kids! Woo hoo! Snow Day(s)! We are doing well considering it’s our second day now…. Baking, lots of piano/cello- and oboe practice.
They made their Valentines too. Don’t worry- they are also face-timing their friends.
It’s nice to have a little break from the usual routine.
We had a year like that. The snow came up a couple of feet against the door so when we opened it there was a wall of snow in front of us. Schools were closed for days. I remember we felt cozy in the house actually, lots of hot chocolate. I imagine you were all feeling the same way ?
It seems like the more they play up an event, the less likely it is to happen. It sounds like it gave you a relaxing day though! Yummy features this week
Enjoy your weekend!
You’re absolutely right! I sometimes wonder if maybe these weather people own stocks in grocery stores, lol. Have a good week, Antonia!
Glad to hear you got a day off! It’s nice to have a day to catch your breath, isn’t it? I was hoping we’d get enough snow for cross-country skiing, but only a dusting fell. In any case, I hope your weekend is a great one! -Julia
I guess by the time it reached you, there wasn’t much snow left. I heard up north was pretty bad. Oh well at least we didn’t have to shovel ? Have a great week ahead!
It’s 5:00 am and I’m reading your blog – hungrily! Everything looks so tasty! ?
Lol, you need to stop doing that! Maybe wait until lunchtime ?
What wonderful picks! That bread pudding is going to haunt me! But a scoring guide rubric? I know how to make it all so much easier…just pick me, lol! Just kidding, but then maybe not!!
Have a great day, Angie!
Lol, you never know… Didn’t have any chance to look at that rubric at all! Turning out to be a busy weekend!! All revolving around high school semi coming up, omg. You know, you gotta find that perfect dress and shoes. I’ve been dragged to multiple malls. Still going to more stores today!
How fun, Angie!! And accessories! Don’t forget the accessories!
hi Angie

Not much snow here at all, apparently it snows where we live about every 5-6 years and this is not one of them but I did see a few snow flakes
Another brilliant party, lovely features and I love how it seems to be growing!
That would be okay with me ?? Though I prefer snow than rain. But really I want sun all the time! ?
I was day dreaming before about sunshine and warm weather, it seems very far away at the moment! Snow here is a complicated thing, nothing works and it is just chaos! But despite the grey weather the beach is still beautiful for walks and it is nice to snuggle up with the dogs on the sofa and just hang out!
That’s my favorite thing to do! Snuggle up with my puppy, or daughter when she lets me ? and just hang out. And if I live close to the beach, my next favorite thing would be to go for long walks and look for shells! You’re so lucky! ?
I mainly pick oyster shells for the front garden but I love the beach and the feeling of space and fresh air! Always a treat and especially after having been to London no matter how lovely it is to go there
And thanks for cohosting! ?
Thank you for asking me, always a pleasure!
Why do I get a message telling me my images are to big when they are the same size they have always been and are jpg’s as they have always been
It may be InLinkz changing things around. I’m afraid I don’t have control over that. Try linking again and see what happens. It did happen to me once and I just used a different image and it worked. Btw, when they say size it doesn’t necessarily mean dimensions. It can mean the number of pixels.
Thanks a lot Angie
Hi Angie,
Miss being snowed in sometimes; (used to live in Denver!!!); perfect choices for this week’s features… especially the raccoon cupcakes :D. Love the collection as always.
Really? Maybe we can swap places ? The raccoon cupcakes are so cute! Thanks for being such a wonderful FF friend!
Haha, maybe
Love being part of FF and finding new and talented friends here!!