When I complained about my not-so-positive Pinterest experience last week, I may have given you the idea that Pinterest is not a good company or a worthy social platform. I actually think otherwise. I think Pinterest is worth investing your time in. If I had extra time, I would devote it on Pinterest ahead of any other social media. You know why? Because of this: This is the summary of the top referrers of my other blog TheNoviceGardener. I'm using TheNoviceGardener as an example ... continue reading...
Search Results for: fiesta friday link party
Fiesta Friday #65
Anybody here a Pinterest expert? I have a few questions. I've been pinning for about a year now, and I still have no clue about many things. Last week, I pinned a Pinterest-suggested pin (one of those picked-for-you pins) that became popular. Within minutes, it had been repinned for at least a couple dozen times. And then, it started getting comments. Mostly from people being upset that the pin did not lead to the correct recipe and had in fact led to a completely different recipe on a ... continue reading...
Fiesta Friday #64
I've been very busy this week, mostly with the garden. My goodness, those weeds didn't wait for even one minute! As soon as Spring arrived, so did they! So I've been digging and pulling and hoeing and raking and so on and so forth. And my eyes are itchy and my nose is runny... Aah... Spring and Sneezes... You can't have one without the other... Just like Cookies and Milk... Fish and Chips... Sonny and Cher... Ginger and Loretta... They're your co-hosts this week! Ginger is a new co-host ... continue reading...
Fiesta Friday #63
Hey, y'all! Happy Fiesta Friday! Isn't it awesome that it's Friday already? First week back at work after Spring break and I barely broke a sweat. Trust me, I did everything they asked me to do at work and then some, but the key is to work smarter, not harder. That's how you get things done! And if I follow that same motto for my blogs (remember, I now have two), I could have done or achieved a lot more. Sob... For some reason, when it comes to my blogs, I'm really dragging my feet. I sort of ... continue reading...
Fiesta Friday #62
Why is it that time always moves too fast when you're on holiday? I've been on Spring Break and the concept of time completely escaped me. All of a sudden, it's Friday again! The good news is that I get to party all day long with you guys. I won't have to go back to work until Monday. Woohoo!! Meanwhile, this self-hosting deal is getting way too interesting for me. I find myself getting completely fascinated, then frustrated, by the many facets of trying to put together a website that is ... continue reading...