How’s everyone doing? In this age of The Virus? Exhausted yet from constantly washing your hands and wiping down surfaces, of EVERYTHING?
Luckily for me, I’ve always been the hand-washer type. Unluckily, however, because of that, I very rarely store hand sanitizers at home.
Forget about buying them right now. You can’t find them ANYWHERE. At this point, I’m resorting to using those little alcohol pads if needed.
It may all sound silly, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.
And the point is not just about protecting yourself. Even if you’re young and healthy, and therefore likely to survive The Virus, you still need to be concerned to NOT transmit it to the more vulnerable people. That’s my statement of the day. And now I can finally fiesta with you all.
Thank goodness this is a virtual party! Btw, I NEED cohosts. Please, volunteer!
Favorite Links from Last Fiesta:
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #319 by adding your link. Don’t forget to link your post to and/or the cohost(s), so you can be featured.
Please help select features by voting for your favorite links. Come back on Tuesday, March 17, to enter your votes. You have up to 5 votes.
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines.
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I want to reach into the screen and grab that pizza and that chicken!
I want them for my breakfast now, lol. I’m starving!
Those brownie batter pancakes though!!
I know! I want them for breakfast, too. Or dinner. I’m not picky ?
I think I would like to have a day and just sit down and work through them all~and be covered from breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert! Well, except for my chicken which I’ve already had, lol! I’ll take that salmon instead!! Delish!! And thank you, anyone, who voted for my chicken… I forgot to come back!
Happy FF everyone!! Stay safe!
Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with my UNLIMITED MONTHLY LINK PARTY 10, open March 1 to 26 and my BOTTLE – 65 WORDS WRITING PROMPT LINKUP, open March 10 to 20. Won’t you join me?
I love popping in here for the party. I always find such inspiring ideas and recipes. Thank you for hosting. I hope you have a FANTASTIC week