Is it February already?! Yikes!
It always sneaks up on you that February, year in year out, again and again. Just like Groundhog Day.
As a matter of fact, it does feel like Groundhog Day today… because it is!
Unfortunately, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t give us a good prediction. Apparently, he saw his shadow, which means six more weeks of winter. Oh, Phil! How disappointing!
I was hoping for a different prediction to start this weekend on a good note. Because… If you’re a resident of this area where I am, you know there’s a HUGE event coming up. On Sunday, the Eagles will win their first Lombardi Trophy!
I just have to stay positive, I have to! Truth be told, though, I’m very nervous. Quick guys, all of you, knock on wood, cross your fingers, throw salt over your shoulder, run outside turn around three times and spit!
Aaaand…spray everything GREEN!! That should cover everything. Fly, Eagles, Fly!!
Here are some fabulous posts from last week’s fiesta:
Boozy Coconut Banana Cake from All that’s Jas
Old-Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies from Little Sweet Baker
Melting Moments Cookies from Cooking Is My Sport
30 minute (Total Time) Instant Pot Roast Medium Rare from The Frugal Hausfrau
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #209 by adding your link. Don’t forget to link your post to and the co-hosts’ blogs, so we can feature you. Your cohosts this week are Monika @ Everyday Healthy Recipes and Laurena @ Life Diet Health
I’m running out of cohosts! Seriously, guys, please volunteer!
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines.
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Yeah, I know, it is February and sorry for being silent for sooooo long. I am back again and let’s hope that winter doesn’t drag on for too long…
Hear, hear…I’ve had enough of this cold! And so great to see you back! Have a happy FF and weekend! ?
We’re very much looking forward to Sunday in my house too! We live in the UK but my husband has loved NFL for years. Our tradition for the last 7 years has been to each pick a team and wear their jersey’s. I say each pick a team, but he picks one team and I have the other! He’s a massive Packer’s fan and his second team are the Patriots so the Eagles were obviously going to my team this year. Very much looking forward to being an honorary Eagles fan and cheering them on! x
Oh yay!! Great to have a fellow Eagles fan on the other side of the pond. I have to say most people around here are not so fond of the Patriots. They’re known to be cheaters. Remember deflategate? Anyway, fly eagles fly!! ?
Haha I do remember that! Well I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the Eagles win!
I am not to happy with the ground hogs prediction!
Tell me about it! I had to change my post because of it. I don’t trust that groundhog!! ?
Hello, Angie! How are you? I missed FF last week.? I can co-host on FF210.☺️ Happy Fiesta Friday and have a lovely weekend!?
Okay, you’re it! Thanks, Jhuls! Have a wonderful fiesta and weekend! ?
You’re welcome, Angie!?
Hello Angie
Friday again, and February! I just suggested a crazy stay up night watching the game with lots of snacks but am not sure we will make it! I sort of have the same plan every year and always fall asleep. Promise to have a look as soon as I wake up!
Happy FF and have a great time on Sunday 🙂
I guess it’ll broadcast very late over there. By the time it’s halftime, it’ll be morning! We’ll have lots of food, that’s the husband’s request. I’ll be ordering wings and make some easy snacks (most likely nachos). Can hardly wait to see Justin Timberlake at halftime!!
hello Angie
I didn’t catch any of it in the end! One day! I had all the best intentions, might have to make an American inspired dinner to compensate 🙂 x
Oh, wow, and good morning, everyone! Thanks for featuring my 30 minute roast! I think this might be the first time an Instant Pot recipe has been featured! I’m psyched! And good luck, tomorrow, Angie! You guys trounced our Vikings two weeks ago, so I know your team is great!! I can’t even imagine how that post game talk went!
Too bad Carson Wentz is out, but we’ve been doing great even without him. But he’s there, you know, huddling with his buddies giving them tips. He’s the new Tom Brady, you know. We need to win! All the kids are expecting a parade, which means a day off!! Me, too!! ?? Your roast beef looks perfect!
oh, it just popped in my head! You featured my IP Chicken Tinga last year..
I remember! I think that was the reason I bought my instant pot. You started with frozen chicken! I was so impressed! ?
Get it out of the basement of misfit toys!!
Haha…the instant Pot is actually IN the kitchen, soon to be regularly used I can feel it.
lol!! That’s better than I expected! I can’t wait to see what you’re going to make, say, next weekend? If you make a commitment, you’re more likely to follow through!! If you want, I’ll email you my number and you can calll me and I’ll talk you through it when you’re ready!
You’d do that for me?! You’re so sweet! ? I think I’ll just follow one of the easy recipes from the book that it comes with. Why are the more interesting recipes in Chinese, that’s what I want to know ?
Have to say I don’t follow football at all, and I find sportscaster voices annoying, so I don’t participate. However, since the Patriots are known to cheat, I have a hope that they lose – which is not a popular viewpoint here in Massachusetts.
Lol, thanks for that! I’m still nervous though. I hope they don’t do anything funny, like spying/lip reading, which sometimes they do, too. I can take a loss, as long as the game is fair ?
I hope it won’t be as long as 6 more weeks of winter for you despite the grim prediction:) Good luck to the Eagles on Sunday! (is that American football?) Looking forward to co-hosting this week:)
I hope not! That groundhog can’t be right! What does he know, he’s only a rodent ? Thanks for the good luck wish, and yes it’s American football.
And thanks so much for cohosting!! ??
It’s a pleasure:)
Apart from February sneaking up on us all so quickly, I’ve not got a clue what’s going on here! 😛 I’m on the wrong side of the ocean me thinks! lol Anyway, enjoy winning your game and see you back here triumphant next week! :p xxx
Lol, I t’s probably strange for you to see us so hyped up about a game, but if the Eagles do win on Sunday (and they must!) it’ll be their first Super Bowl win. That’s why it’s so exciting! There are pep rallies everywhere, our school had one and everywhere you go it’s the talk of the town. ?? Thanks for cohosting, Laurena! ??
Fingers crossed for you! re co-hosting, you’re welcome… anytime! (oh no, did I just say that out loud)?
Yes, you did! Can’t take it back now. Once it’s posted online, it’s there forever ?
BTW, I volunteer to co host Feb 23. I will again have an operable computer sometime this weekend, it took about 30 minutes to ready today’s post (photos and such) for uploading earlier via Kindle, fortunately most of the post was already good to go about 10 days ago, when the computer died. (No such luck for any future blog posts…)
Oh, thank you!! I’m putting you down right now. Feb 23 is FF #211. Hopefully more people will volunteer so we’ll have 2 cohosts each week. If not I’ll have to do some arm twisting ? Yay on the operable computer! Can’t believe you’ve been without this long!
I support you on the arm twisting, Angie! Hahaha
My joint hypermobility makes my arm quite easy to twist??
?? Now I’m going to have to do more arm twisting so Jhuls can have a partner.
Thank you so much for the party. Have a great day!
I hit enter too soon, lol. Thank you bunches for featuring my bozzy cake! I’m thrilled and honored! 😀
You’re welcome, Jas. You have so many great recipes! If only I had the time to try all of them ?
Hey Angie! I can co-host and I’m going to ask my friend who just started blogging if she wants to co-host with me.
My friend Alisa at will co-host with me. Just let me know which week:)
That’s great! You guys can take FF210, Feb 16, if that’ll work out for you. In the meantime, please ask Alisa to join the party so we can get introduced to her. Thanks!
okay, the 16th it is! And I’ll let Alisa know:)
I know, it has been a long winter! I hope you are doing well Angie!
Thanks, Antonia, I’m doing well! ?