Btw, I recently noticed that when I replied to your comments via iPhone, the emojis showed up as question marks on the blog! I had no idea, duh!
So if you were getting question marks from me, it only meant I was blowing you kisses, k? Like this –>?
But now I realize I looked like a fool with all the question marks. What a moron ??? See, doesn’t that look stupid?
It was supposed to look like this:
What a moron ???
I’m such a dumb dumb! Oh, well…it’s not like you didn’t know that before, anyway. So, I’m good ? I’m among friends here, anyway. Right? < — This one is a legitimate question mark.
And with that, may I request more of you to be cohosts, please… Be involved and participate, please… Ain’t no fun having a fiesta without participants’ involvement.
I promise you that it’s easy to host/cohost. And the benefits and fun (the fun!) outweigh the time invested. Ask past cohosts if you don’t believe me.
Thank you, dear friends, in advance.
And now, features!
Low Calorie Mushroom Manchurian Dry from CH @ Cooking From My Heart
“An absolutely delicious-sounding and light but filled-with-flavor recipe, starring one of my favorite vegetables, mushrooms. As soon as I saw this I knew I had to save the recipe, it looks so good!” — Petra
“Ditto, Petra! You took the words right out my mouth!” — Angie
Lobster and Truffle Butter Ravioli from Petra @ Food Eat Love
“I have to give credit to Petra, my fellow co-host this week, for her amazing lobster creation. Petra fills her lovely blog with creative dishes and her adventurous use of the lobster shows why her blog is so inspiring to others. No ingredient is off-limits for Petra.” — Laura
“She did it again! I actually ran to the grocery store to get lobsters because of this recipe! They didn’t quite make it into ravioli, though, shhh…” — Angie
Soft Grandmother’s Apple Pie from Ruta @ Estonian Cuisine
“Although on the simpler (and healthier) side of desserts that’s actually what I love about this pie from Ruta. Easy to make, no fancy ingredients or techniques needed. I’m also impressed that the pie uses sour milk – like kefir – a dessert packed with good bacteria, now that’s worth sharing!” — Laura
Soft Chocolate and Cherry Tart from Shinta @ Caramel Tinted Life
“I’ve seen lots of cherry packed blog posts recently and this pie from Shinta really stood out. As Shinta herself says, her tart is firm and crumbly on the outside and soft inside. And did I mention the cherries are bathed in dark chocolate? Yum!” — Laura
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #180 by adding your link. Don’t forget to link your post to and the co-hosts’ blogs, so we can feature you. Your cohosts this week are Tracey @ My Baja Kitchen and Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines.
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Hi Angie! I giggled at the question mark / emoji story :p I would love to be co-host in august (July is a bit too busy with work and holidays) if you would want me to 🙂 Happy Fiesta! xxx
So glad I made you giggle ?? And hurray, Sarah is going to cohost!! I actually can’t remember if this will be your first time or not, duh ? but very happy to have you! Let me know what week in August is good for you.
Hihi this would be my second time co-hosting 🙂 Pick whatever week you like. I’m not going anywhere in August 😀
Aug 4, FF 183, k?
Perfect! 🙂
Yes, yes, yes, finally I am an early bird, yay! I would also be willing to co-host. What does that entail exactly?
Yay, Jenny!! I will send you the cohosting guidelines, but first tell me what week is good for you. Thanks for volunteering ??
July 28 or August 12. Curious about the guidelines…
August 11, sorry!
Ok, I’ll put you down for July 28 and then if you want more torture, you can do it again Aug 12. Lol, just kidding! ? What’s your email?
Thanks so much Petra and Angie for featuring my Mushroom Manchurian and for all those kind words 🙂 Two weeks in a row and I am totally inspired to cook more, click more and share more 🙂
Angie – I can co-host too, probably two or three weeks from now. I would like to know the rules for co-hosting though 🙂
You’re welcome ? Your link caught my eye instantly; it just looked so yum! Which week is better for you, July 28 or Aug 4? I’ll be sending you the guidelines, what’s your email address?
Either next week or Aug 4 will work for me 🙂 my email id –
Okey dokey, next week it is for you, Fiesta Friday #181. Thanks, CH! Look out for the email.
Just to confirm, you’re okay with next week, July 21?
Yes, I can do it next week 🙂
Hi Angie! I can co-host but no sooner than 3rd week of August as I am on holiday from next week, and actually away. So I’ll be here again next Friday and after that I probably won’t have any new recipes for 2 weeks.
Thanks! Aug 18 good for you? That’s FF185, btw. And yay, vacation! Enjoy yourself!
That’s fine, in my diary already:) I hope to enjoy myself, thanks!
Angie!!! I am so proud that you shared my recipe 🙂 Thank you thank you thank you!!! 🙂
??You’re welcome! Really is a wonderful recipe! I plan to give it a try.
Hi Angie.. hope you are doing great..myself has also faced this emoji problems?!!
I have never been a co-host.. I’m free right now.. so I can also be a co-host .. I’m free this month and in the first half of August too..please let me know.. happy FF?!!
You can be our second cohost next week, Nimmi. Your partner is CH. THANKS! I’ll send you the guidelines, k. Tell me ur email ?
Email on the way ?
And I will also tentatively put you down for Aug 11.
That emoji problem happens to me too..but glad you spoke about it??.. Happy #Friday fiesta..happy weekend
So glad to know I wasn’t the only one, Lathi ? Happy FF and a wonderful weekend to you! ?
Thanks for the party!!
No problem, have fun! ?
So happy to see I’ve been featured!! I have my eye on the low-calorie mushroom Manchurian… we just had Cauliflower Manchurian for dinner and now I can’t bear myself to do any more deep-frying in a long time. Baking wins over deep-frying any day!
I feel the same way about frying but the kids love fried food so much! Actually, who wouldn’t? ? But it makes me sick doing it really. Your cherry chocolate tart is to die for, yum!
Thank you Angie!! Glad you liked it. I’m happy to co-host any time you need, excepting the week of the 24th-28th July. Do let me know!
Oh, great! Can I put you down for Aug 4, Fiesta Friday #183? Sarah @ Sarah’s Little Kitchen is the other cohost for the week.
Angie, yes to the week of Aug 4th! (I couldn’t find the Reply button to your comment below)
Great, I’ll mark it on my calendar and will send you the cohosting guidelines. What’s your email? Just open a new comment thread if you can’t reply to this, ok?
looking forward to it Angie! My email id is
Ok will email you the guidelines. Thanks so much! ?
Angie, I can co-host pretty much anytime until the last week of August. Let me know.
Oh great! Would you take July 28, FF182? Hopefully Jenny @ Jenny is baking can fill in the other slot, but she hasn’t confirmed.
Yes, July 28 FF is good.
Great! It’s on my calendar.
Hi Angie so just so I’m clear I really shouldn’t be adding emojis when commenting on posts using my phone? And yes a call out to those reading – be a cohost and you won’t regret it!
I’m not sure actually. All I saw was a bunch of question marks on some of my own comments. At first I was confused why I had peppered my sentences with question marks, seemingly out of place. Then I figured they must have been emojis. Maybe it’s my iPhone? Yours may act differently? Would be nice if someone can tell us for sure.
Thanks Angie I’m doing a test here as commenting on my phone – let me know if you can see the emoji here ?
Lol, I see the smiley face emoji alright ?
Yay and I see the thumbs up too! Phew my emoji on the phone habit is not a disaster!
I can see squares and question marks instead of emojis when I read from the computer. I think it’s because of the compatibility issues?? When I open Facebook messenger at work and use the Toshiba laptop I have, I notice that the emojis I have there is not the same I have on the phone.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one with emoji problems! I thought I was going nuts! ?? I think you’re right about incompatibility issue, but I suspect it’s with WordPress since all my devices are Apple products. But who knows?!
Hmm, I haven’t notice that. I will have to see for myself when I open the laptop.
I’ve done that before and it’s like whaaaatttt!! Usually if I see something strange like that I figure it’s an emoji mistake. I will often not type words but use emoji’s evidently its quite the thing saw something about it on the news the other day, this could pose a problem if the emoji’s are off. They do vary from devise to devise, app to app. Hope you have a wonderful week Angie!!
I know, right? That’s how I feel. Definitely making me feel stupid sending all those silly question marks. I think it’s actually WordPress software fault. I guess I need to update. If it’s not one thing it’s another. Blogging keeps me on my toes! You have a great week, too, girlfriend! ?
hello Angie
I wouldn’t worry about the emoji’s you are so lovely as you are! 🙂 It happens all the time to me but I just ignore it, I think we all know what you mean!
Thank you for the feature. I hope you enjoyed the lobster.
I could co host first w/e of August if that helps? I will be late dues to the market but if you don’t mind, just let me know! x
Aaw…thanks, Petra! ?? Can you do Aug 11? That’s FF184. Btw, you keep saying the market…I must have missed your post on that but are you a vendor at the market? That sounds so exciting!
hi Angie!
Yes I got myself a market stall! Hot sauces and fresh pasta every Saturday. I am quite sure I could do Aug 11th but let me check and get back to you, am waiting for someone to confirm if they are coming or not that weekend but will chase them! 🙂 x
Okay, that’s perfectly fine. Oh and I just read your post. I’m so excited for you! Maybe you can sell dry spice mix too. It’s got a long shelf life; start with Elaine’s dry harissa mix! Just an idea ?
Hi Angie
You must have read my mind, I just got a few spice jars to see if I could come up with an interesting spice mix! Good call on the dry harissa! Will have to pay royalty to Elaine! ha ha
Honestly all ideas are always welcome! 🙂 x
hi Angie
So sorry I just realized I didn’t reply. Yes I can do FF Aug 11th! 🙂 x
Great! I’ll mark it on my calendar, thanks ?
Thanks for having me 🙂 x
My pleasure ?