So, we now know that having a Pinterest presence will more likely add viewership to your blog than not. But how can we maximize our presence on Pinterest?
There are many suggestions you can find online on how to do it. I know of one, for sure, and that is by joining a group board. And that’s why I have started a group board for us. A group board for and by Fiesta Friday Blog Party participants. Here is the board:
Follow Angie | Fiesta Friday’s board Fiesta Friday Blog Party on Pinterest.
You may have noticed that there are already more than 100 pins on it. I created this board when I started Fiesta Friday as a way to promote Fiesta Friday features. It’s now been transformed into a group board that we can all pin to.
To join the group board,
- You and I must be following each other on Pinterest. This is not my rule, this is a Pinterest rule.
- You must have participated in Fiesta Friday Blog Party, at least 3 times. Why 3? I have neither rhyme nor reason. Just seems like a reasonable number.
- You must pledge to yourself that you will do absolutely your best to make sure that you use the board in a respectful manner, which means no spam of any kind or blatant self-promotion, i.e., always pinning your own and never re-pinning others. (This seems redundant since I know all of you are trustworthy.)
- Contact me either by leaving a comment on this site or sending an email to
Once you’re added to the group, you can start pinning, but we must have rules and guidelines to ensure the board remain clean, organized, attractive, and usable for all. So I have come up with the following:
- Pin only from originally written posts. Which means a pin shouldn’t be a redirect or link to another post. That is how we run into hijacked pins or spams.
- Pin only a maximum of 7 pins per week. Again, seems like a reasonable number to me. We may revisit the number again in the future.
- Pins don’t necessarily have to come from posts that have been linked to Fiesta Friday. They can be from any original post on your blog, or another blog, or website. As long as they are clean pins from an original post, they will be accepted. If this sounds confusing, let me explain.
The idea of a group board is for its members to not only network with each other, but also promote each other, and more importantly, to share ideas with one another. For instance, you might come across an outstanding recipe that you’d like to show to your fellow pinners. You pin the recipe and by doing so you’re sharing and adding value to the board.
Only the pinner has to be a participant of Fiesta Friday (at least 3 times), but the pins don’t necessarily have to come from posts linked to Fiesta Friday. Pinners still have to adhere to only 7 pins per week, however.
We may not start seeing the impact on our blog viewership immediately, but I hope in time, if we keep pinning outstanding and inspiring pins, and as our membership grows, we may be able to see an improvement.
Everything grows from the bottom up, as they say. Every movement starts with a first step, as the say. Every group starts with just a couple of members, as they say. Who is “they”? Beats me, I just totally made those up! But they’re all true statements, aren’t they?
And remember, just like with anything in life, the most important of all Pinterest pinning rules is one that closely follows what I call the Proverbial Playground Rule. PLAY NICE WITH OTHERS (On Pinterest, that translates into re-pinning other pins). Everything will be alright if you do!
Okay, over and out, now let’s check out Fiesta Friday #67!
Awh, this is such a great idea! I’m glad to see you expanding your Pinterest experience with all of us!
Would you please join the board?
F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S Idea team AA! Would love to be a part of it! Happy Fiesta Friday, Angie! xxx
Following the board already.. 🙂
Will send you invite!
Thanks Angie 🙂
I’m already a follower of your board 🙂 I’d love to join 🙂
Just sent you the invite, Sarah! 🙂
You are absolutely brilliant, Angie, doing the legwork for us so that now I only have to look at that board for inspiration! Thank you so much for your energy and enthusiasm – and for your generosity!
Have a wonderful FF!
Thanks for that vote of confidence, Ginger! I sent you an invite to join. Now if you will accept, you can start pinning and I can start re-pinning! 🙂
Already following you and the board 😀 Can I get an invite? Email is! One other rule that’s worth considering is if you pin to it you should repin something else from the board (not necessarily 1 for 1, but like a couple a week?) it helps grow the board so it gets more followers which benefits us all! Just something I’m throwing out there!
I just sent you the invite, girlfriend! And I love your suggestion! Dini had mentioned it, too. I did imply in the guidelines about re-pinning. I should add something to be more explicit. I’m going to have to rely on you and the other expert pinners in our group in making sure our board grows and gains followers!
Got it, thank you! Will start pinning and repinning tomorrow!
We’re a pretty awesome community so I don’t think people will need to be told to repin from it, but it’s good to have a little reminder 😉
From time to time I will send out a friendly reminder, and you can do that, too! I think if we have a great board with active members, we’ll gain followers!
I would love an invite! Email is I will gladly follow too.
Sent you the invite, Julie!
Ooh! Ooh! Pick me, pick me! 😀 lol
My email is I’d love to follow Angie 🙂
Of course I’ll pick you! 🙂 But you need to be following me first, lol… Then I can send you the invite, k?
Hi Angie – I am now following Fiesta Friday Blog Party. My user name is jujuskitchen (my old domain). Let me know if this works. I tried to comment on your reply to me (FF#67) but neither comment went through.
Yup, that worked! I just sent you the invite! Yes, I’m aware of the comment problem. A few other people mentioned it as well. It has to do with a plugin I installed, but it’s a necessary plugin, so not sure how to handle it. Hopefully people keep trying! 🙂
I’m following you although Pinterest is still sort of a mystery to me. How about a vegetarian/vegan board? I’m late for the party today but I’m bringing mushroom pizza for the other stragglers.
Thanks Angie.
Sure Tracey! I can create one for the vegetarians/vegans in our group. I do enjoy vegetables! 🙂
I created one and have invited you to join! Here’s the board:
Anybody can join, so you can invite your fellow pinners! 🙂
Hi Angie! What a great idea, thanks so much for organizing this! I just started following the board and would love an invite. I’m not sure if you need my email ( or my pinterest profile ( Thanks so much! xx Jamie
Just sent the invite, Jamie! Now you just need to accept and you can start pinning as well as re-pinning friends’ pins!
Got it, thanks so much!!
This is a wonderful idea, Angie. Started following you. Could you send me an invite? Thank you for the initiative. ♥
Just followed back and sent the invite, Apsara! Once you accept, you can start pinning and re-pinning!
Fantastic idea Angie! I might have to start using pinterest more! Have a wonderful weekend xx
Hi Angie – I just went over to Pinterest to accept my invitation but you have sent it to my personal account (not that I mind!) Would you mind sending it to me at please xx
Didn’t realize you have 2 different accounts. Just sent the invite to Selma’s Table!
Great idea Angie! Could you pls add me?
Of course. Will send you the invite. Once you accept, you’ll be added!
what a great idea Angie! You made a beautiful job!
Thanks, Cris! Would you like to join?
yes sure! 😀
Hi Angie! I am just reading this. I would love to join. I think I found you on Pinterest and am following now …at least I think it is you LOL, not very Pinterest savey! Great Idea! I would love to join 🙂
Okey dokey, will send you an invite! If you found Angie | Fiesta Friday, then that’s me 😀 I’ll go check.
I couldn’t find you! What’s your Pinterest username?
Hi Angie, found you and am following. What a great idea! I love Pinterest and have been using it for a year to keep track of recipes and gardening ideas.
I’m sending you an invite to both FF board and Vegetarian board. I hope you’ll join! 🙂
I’d love to be able to post on the group board… I just followed you ….
Just sent you the invite, Meghan!