This is a whine post! No, not a WIne… post. WHIne…
I’m going to complain… About yellow jackets… And their stings…
I got stung. Twice. No, not 2 stings. But two different, separate sting events. The first time I got 2 stings, and the second time I got 3 stings. So in total I was stung 5 times. All in one week!
And if you haven’t met a yellow jacket sting, consider yourself lucky. Let me tell ya… It’s the most darndest thing in the world! And for me to get 5 in a matter of days, I must have been very unlucky, boo…hoo…
Maybe I’ve done something wrong, and am now reaping the bad karma… But I also can’t help thinking… Why do bad things happen to good people??? As you can tell, I’m wallowing in self-pity here, but please, allow me, don’t judge… You haven’t been stung by a yellow jacket!
But enough about the whine… Now it’s time to wine…
And dine…
It’s Features Time!
My latest Mexican chilli sauce
from Elaine @ foodbod
“I am drawn to anything and everything that comes out of Elaine’s kitchen. Her use of vegetables and spices is extraordinary and she is a huge inspiration for readers to make dips, sauces and pickles that can be stored for days and weeks and used to jazz up all kinds of meals. In particular I love this week’s post from Elaine for her clever use of different kinds of chilli. Too often it’s easy to resort to just one kind of chilli – but as Elaine as shown more flavour can come from experimenting and using different kinds.” — Laura
“This sauce showcases Elaine’s masterful ingenuity at its best! She knows spices like no one else. She needs to bottle up her sauces and set up shop! Like yesterday!” — Angie
Triple Berry Layer Cake
from Haley @ if you give a blonde a kitchen
“Once I saw this post, I knew I had a winner. Nothing else could beat this cake. Never saw a more prettier “naked” cake! The swiss meringue buttercream looks perfect! Love the way Haley tries to convince the readers that it is “healthy”. With a cake this tall, a thin slice should classify as relatively “healthy”!” — Su
Spicy Korean Glass Noodle
from Andrea @ Cooking with a Wallflower
“Andrea brings us a very unique dish. She also magically transforms a simple recipe into something so exotic! I am entranced!” — Su
One Pan Chicken & Broccolini Dinner
from Liz @ spades, spatulas & spoons
“I’ve been following Liz’s blog for some time now and her recipes always catch my eye for their hearty-ness – and this chicken one-pot is a great example. Too often chicken recipes use the relatively flavour-less breasts and/or remove the skin so I was glad to see Liz showcasing one of the more tasty cuts of chicken and keeping the skin on!” Laura
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #132 by adding your link. Don’t forget to link your post to FiestaFriday.net and the co-hosts’ blogs. Your co-hosts this week are Sandhya @ Indfused and Nancy @ Feasting With Friends
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? Oh, poor you! Oscar got stung by one and it got stuck in his fur, didn’t get the stinger out till the next day ??. Nice cake! Have a good weekend
Poor Oscar! Must have been agonizing! I can relate… ? Happy FF!
I have never seen or heard about yellow jacket, but having got stung 5 times sounds scary! Take care Angie. Hope you feel better soon.
As always, lovely features 🙂
I’m feeling much better, thanks. Watch out for those vicious and aggressive yellow jackets! They’re a type of wasps.
Oh no! I got stung once last year and boy! Was it painful.
At least we’re lucky we’re not allergic! But yes, the pain!! ?
You’re just to sweet those yellow jackets thought you were their queen? Well really that’s awful! I hope you are doing o.k.!
Lol, Julie, I love how you try to give it a positive spin ?? Seriously, though, it could have been worse, right? Like allergic reactions. One of my coworkers has to carry epipen everywhere she goes. She almost died! I’m doing great, just a little itchy on the sting sites, that’s all ?
Angie, I have been stung by a yellow jacket so can relate to the pain. And you got stung 5 times? I feel for you girl!
I got stung as I was doing last minute prep for my husband’s surprise party in the backyard…….just before the guests came….not a pretty sight 🙂
Isn’t it the most terrible thing?! I think much worse than a bee sting! Thankfully I wasn’t allergic and I’m now doing much better. Swelling all down. You can see a little red still though. No biggie ?
Oh wow! I didn’t expect that at all, thank you for so much for featuring my sauce, and for yours, and Laura’s, lovely words ??? I’ll be back later with my post, but in the meantime….ouch!!!! 5 stings? There’s obviously something about you, Angie ? Xxx
I NEED to feature that sauce so I won’t forget to try it!! It sounds incredible, with cocoa powder and all. I don’t know, Elaine… I also seem to attract mosquitos. They swarm me and not the person next to me!! Unfair, right?!
I’m afraid I’m that person too, I decided as a child that I’m obviously tasty! I even get bitten in the winter, when there aren’t even any bugs around!!!
And thank you, I’ve still got some of the sauce in the fridge and the flavour is just developing more and more (as is the heat!!)
I was going to ask you about the heat. Maybe I should use less chilli, more tomatoes?
To be honest, when I first made it it wasn’t too hot. I think I the answer is to play around with which chillies you use in it, some of them provide more flavour than heat, and vice versa…?
OMG Angie, you poor thing. I was no stranger to yellow jacket and even wasp (far worse) stings as a kid. Then one adulthood day, a yellow jacket stung me, and I had become deathly allergic. Plus, I was an hour’s drive away from medical care, while my face and body began to swell.
Take care. Huge hugs.
Oh, that must have been awful! That was what I was afraid of! Luckily I wasn’t allergic. They say it depends on the species, though. Thanks, Teagan, I’m feeling so much better ?
Yikes – 5 stings, you must have been working near a nest! I just had the outside of my house and shed sprayed – they love the shutters and I had a very big one on my shed. Afraid to get the mower out! The tech looked like “ghostbusters” in his protective gear 🙂
I was watering my plants when I was stung. I had no idea they can also nest in the ground, like literally a hole in the ground! I didn’t even see it! Yup, it’s time to call pest control. I haven’t gone out at all since!
Oh my… poor, poor Angie. You’ve earned a good whine, as far as I’m concerned…and probably a bottle of wine (If only to ease your pain)! Delicious features from last weeks party. Thanks for allowing me to help with co-hosting duties this week. 😀
Now why didn’t I use that excuse, extra wine for me, lol ? It’s ok, I’m all better now, especially since I have you here. Thanks for cohosting! ??
My absolute pleasure, Angie. ???
Angie, I am totally with you and whine right along with you. As a child I was the recipient of multiple yellow jacket stings, I was swarmed. Of course the fact that I thought it would be fun to knock their hive or nest whatever it’s called out of a tree didn’t help. Painful, red, swollen and you know what to this day I have never forgotten. Ouch.
Did you know I brought one in with me? It actually went inside my shirt! That’s probably how I got multiple stings. I had no idea they can sting multiple times unlike bees. They’re very aggressive! Ouch indeed!
Omg I still run flaying my arms and screaming if I see a wasp any kind they creep me out, in your shirt OMG????????
Lol, I probably will do just that from now on ?????
All of these dishes are so beautiful as usual. As far as yellow jackets go-I have never been stung (yet) but hear it is brutal and they sting more than once and rather quickly. I have been chased though. It is inevitable that I will be stung because we live in West Texas and they are in abundant here. Most of them live in the ground and any vibration will trigger them. (mower) On the positive side, being surprised and chased by them is very good cardio. 🙂
Lol, I love the cardio spin! I did sprint as fast as I could, haha… You know, I was completely clueless about them living in the ground! I kept looking for a hanging nest! I must have accidentally watered their hole. I have to call pest control asap; I’m not stepping outside until it’s safe. Thanks for stopping by!?
wow! You deserve a “wine” a big glass! Lol
I hope you make it without any more stings ?
Thanks for making it to the computer to host!
Always a blast at the Fiesta! ?
Lol, thanks, Michelle! I think it’s actually good to have Fiesta Friday to look forward to. I was pretty bummed before but now feeling much happier! ?
Eeks, not good, stings can be so sore. Hope they feel better soon! Lovely features as ever.
They’re much better already, thanks Caroline. Just a little itchy and red, probably will go away soon ?
I don’t like yellow jackets either, and I hope you are feeling better soon. We found baking soda helpful when my daughter was stung. Also, the features this week look delicious! I want to try them all! School starts next week, so I’m hoping to make more frequent Friday appearances. 🙂
That’s what I did, put on baking soda paste and ice pack, too. They helped. Now I’m just applying Benadryl stick to stop the itching. Wow, school starts very early for you guys! I’m looking forward to seeing more of you here at FF, Julia!
You poor thing. I’ve been stung once, so i know the pain. Well, I hope you are feeling better and I’m with Michelle, you deserve a BIG glass of wine (or two) Have a great weekend Angie, hugs:)
I think I deserve three, Lily, haha… Besides, it’s Friday! So maybe tonight we’ll open that big bottle ?? Thanks, hon, I’m feeling better! ?
Oh no! I haven’t stung by a yellow jacket before, but I can imagine the terrible pain it does. I think you were the sweetest thing they found that time.
😀 I wish you feel better really soon, Angie. Hugs!
Consider yourself lucky, Jhuls! I’m all better, thanks hon! ?
Oh Angie! Poor you…. I feel your pain! I was stung once by something yellow – a bee, wasp or the jackets, I don’t know, but it hurt sooooo much! 5 times, I can’t even imagine! Lucky you are not allergic! Take good care of yourself!
It was probably a yellow jacket that got you ‘coz I’ve been stung by a bee, too, and I swear it wasn’t half this painful! It was over quickly. These lingered. I know I’m lucky I’m not allergic! Feeling better now, thanks! ?
Oh no! So sorry to hear about your stings! Can’t believe 5 times you poor thing! Hope you’re feeling better now 🙂 Have a great weekend!
I know right? Those were really bad days! But feeling so much better now, Sarah, thanks! ??
I am really sorry, Angie! 🙁 That is so many bites. Even one would be bad, but 5? I would be feeling sorry for myself, too. I hope you are feeling better now!
I know, that was a bad day! But I’m much better now, thanks Shari! ??
Sorry to hear about the sting, Angie! You seem to be like my daughter, attractive to bugs that sting! I have never heard of yellow jacket and I am not eager to get aquatinted with it either. Hope you feel better soon!
You’re lucky you’ve never met one. Where do you live, maybe I should move there, lol. I’m much better, Su, thanks! ??
I think it is a sign – even though they aren’t bees, you should make a bee-sting cake! The same thing happened to my daughter, too, all in one day. She was around 8, poor thing!
Great idea! Our friend Steffi has a nice recipe for it I think. Do you have an easy peasy version? Or is this one of those you shouldn’t cut corners for ?
I was thinking of Steffi, of course!! 🙂
Where is Steffi? Is she still blogging? Can we like get her back in here? Do you want to cohost next week with her? I’ll email her and you’ll email her, too, and see if she’ll consent. Will you do that?
Darn, I don’t know if I’ll have internet access next week! I miss her! I stop by her site now and then but when she always came to FF I never missed a post.
That’s a shame about the access, coz I’d love to cohost with her! And for FF!
Maybe another week? Whenever, just name your time!
I’ll check the calander shortly~~
oh Angie dear..feeling so sorry for you,hope you are okay now! i also got stung by one when i was a kid!! still i can remember the pain..take care..
Thanks, Nimmi! Feeling all better now ?
EEK! I’m allergic to bees so that would have sent me into a panic mode! The good news, hopefully, is they are out there pollinating the gardens!
These are wasps, do they help pollinate? I think they do help getting rid of the bad bugs, though, like aphids etc. but still I’d rather they don’t nest in my garden ?
Oh nooooo! That sounds painful!! So sorry to hear that! HOpe you are having a good weekend though, you deserve it <3
Feeling a lot better, Naina, thanks! Yup, enjoying the weekend now watching the Olympics! ??
How terrible! You must have a nest somewhere nearby, it is sometimes difficult to find the nest but those yellow traps work pretty well. Thank you so much for featuring me this week. We are on vacation in Ashland, OR for the Shakespeare festival. I was absolutely surprised when I opened this week’s blog post. Enjoy the rest of summer.
I just googled the traps, didn’t know they existed! Thanks for the info, I’m going to give them a try. We love your one pan recipe! It sounds delicious and easy enough for a busy weeknight. Have fun in OR, Shakespeare festival sounds amazing! I wonder if there’s a Jane Austen festival; I’d go to that! ??
Stung 5 times? It sounds vile! You must have caught them at some sensitive time or been extra attractive to them! I hope you can enjoy the weekend and the week ahead despite the evil little yellow jackets! xx
I know, right?! Five freaking times!! Thankfully I’m back to normal now, just very slight redness. It’s been a busy weekend, lots of shopping, but nice nonetheless having time to spend with family ??
So flattered to be featured this week! I’m glad Su gets my sense of humor with trying to pull off that cake as healthy lol
Lol, who are you trying to fool, eh Haley?! But so whaaat?! It’s got all those berries! And one mint leaf, okay two, haha… Love that cake!! ?
Oh poor you Angie, 5 times? You hold some attraction for those yellow jackets I’m assuming? lol It brings to mind a few years ago when I was turning the compost on top of the hill in our backyard, I probably disturbed a ground hornets nest….at first I heard buzzing around, I thought they were flies, but then when I realized what they were, I ran down the hill with my pitchfork screaming and carrying on. What a sight that was!!! Glad yours ended on a good note. 🙂
Lol, Loretta, that must have been a sight! I’m so glad you outran them, haha… It’s no laughing matter, though. These insects are serious! I probably will do the same from now on anytime I hear a buzzing sound ??
No, Angie I did not outrun them, I did get stung a few times, but lived to tell the tale 🙂
Sorry to hear! Here I thought you escaped unscathed! Well you know what, we’re now sisters, LOL! ??
Sorry to hear, Angie. A yellow jacket sting is an awful thing.
Thanks, Cynthia! All better now ?