Update: Since we’ll be voting for features and voting can only begin once link-up is closed, this link-up will close a little early, 8am on Tuesday instead of the usual 8pm. The extra time will give us a chance to vote before the next fiesta starts.
Please come back on Tuesday and vote for your favorite links. You can vote for up to 5 links. The top 4 links with the most votes will be featured next week.
I’m leaving on a jet plane…
Don’t know when I’ll be back again…
Actually, I’m not leaving on a jet plane…
And definitely I’ll be back when the next fiesta starts…
I’m just going to drive up north…
To look for some cooler weather…
I’m melting down here…
It’s hot, hot, hot!!
And as you know, I’ve been entertaining guests in my house this week. And clearly, I’m having way too much fun! I actually forgot Friday comes once a week and today!
Consequently, I don’t even have any co-host for you! Oops!
But here’s a chance to try that voting system once again. Remember we did that once and it was kind of fun?
You all get to decide which links will be featured next week. Which means you are all co-hosts of the party. Yay!!
So, be good, people! Visit each other… Talk to one another… Have fun, y’know! It’s a party!
I’ll try to pop in as much as I can, okay?
Now, take a look at these! And then, drool! And then, run over to get the recipes!
Yafawi Sfeeha Meat Pies from Julie@HostessatHeart
Yafawi Sfeeha – Palestinian Cheese Buns from Hannah @ Domestic Gothess
“Not just one, but two Yafawi Sfeeha came to the fiesta last week. And might as well, since one is probably not enough. They both look incredible! This is the first time I’ve heard of these buns and already I’m in love. I guess you can say it was love at first sight. Can you blame me? Just look at them!” — Angie
“Number 1, I LOVE Middle Eastern food. Number 2, I LOVE meat pies, of just about any kind. Number 3, I LOVE Julie. All of the above are reasons why this was one of my favorites from FF this week.” — Jess
Lemon Ricotta Stuffed Zucchini Flowers from James @ From James to Jamie
“How dainty and beautiful are these lemon ricotta stuffed zucchini flowers! James has contributed a great post on how and why one should indulge in these beautiful flowers. Now I must admit, I have never tried them before, but have seen recipes, none of which come close to the delicate nature and taste of this recipe. I love the idea of lemon and ricotta, and wait for it….. beer, Stella Artois to be precise! How could you go wrong? Can’t wait to try these pronto!” — Loretta
“Now I know why I can’t kick zucchini off my growing list! Every year I threaten, and yet every year I plant them. ‘Coz when you get tired of the fruit, you can move on to the flowers, and make these! Or maybe we should just move on to the flowers, period!” — Angie
Chocolate Chip Coffee Toffee Scones from Nancy @ NancyCreative
“Try saying this out loud three times fast. I BET you will get tongue-tied. I BET YOU. Lol But aside from that, I just couldn’t believe how awesome these scones looked. Nancy really did a great job, AND, we both used toffee in our baked good recipes this week, which I thought was a very happy coincidence.” — Jess
“This is one of the best scone recipes ever! Okay, maybe the BEST ever! They really sound and look so yum!! I am making these. Uhm… as soon as I can get to an oven.” — Angie
Raspberry & Jam Mint Tarts from KitchenSpells
“When I read “crispy mint-flavored pastry cases, filled with tart home-made raspberry jam” I was anxious to read the full recipe. Can you imagine taking a bite out of these beauties? It is sure to take your taste buds to another level. I love how KitchenSpells incorporated mint in her pastry. What a clever idea, who would have thought of mint and raspberry jam? But it clearly makes sense, what a brilliant flavor combination. I also love the wee heart-shaped pastry that she’s topped the tarts with, definitely a winner in my books! These will be bookmarked and made for the next cocktail party.” — Loretta
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #80 by adding your link. If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines
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How exciting Angie!! hope you have a lovely time! 🙂 Can’t wait to check out the features this week!!
I wanted to drop in and say thank you to you and everyone here… 🙂 I celebrated my first year of blogging this year and I met great bloggers because of Fiesta Friday! 🙂
Thank you guys! 🙂
Aaw… you’re so sweet! Happy Blogiversary! Isn’t it exciting to reach that important milestone? We LOVE having you at FF! XOXO
Thanks so much for including the Chocolate Chip Coffee Toffee Scones in the features this week! 🙂
You’re welcome! Great recipe! 🙂
It’s been pretty hot here too, so hope you are going properly North! (Although actually it’s starting to cool a bit…don’t want to speak to soon but it was actually quite nice yesterday). Looking forward to exploring everyone’s posts as ever, but with more incentive than usual since we are all co-hosting – how fun!
And you can vote for your favorite! Up to five. Just click on that heart icon to vote. I’m literally getting out of the door right now. Will keep an eye on these wild party animals, though 😀
What lovely features Angie! I had never heard of Yafawi Sfeefa buns either! Great Job Julie and Hannah! James, never knew zucchini flowers could be batter fried! For that matter I don’t know where to get them from!! The chocolate chip scones and the raspberry mint tarts make for great dessert! Kudos to all of you!
Angie, have fun on your trip. You can tell us all about it when you get back!
Thanks, Su! I think I’ll have to try those yafawi sfeeha buns. They just sound so interesting. And you can just pick them up and eat them with your hand, no utensils needed. My kind of food, haha… I’ll try to take as many pictures as I can, but what I find interesting might be boring to others 🙂
Have a great time Angie. I am still trying to get back into the groove from my vacation. Happy FF!
Lol, I usually feel I need a vacation from my vacation, so I know what you’re saying. Have a great weekend!
Hope you have a great trip!! It’s been hot and humid here too… yuck lol. Happy Fiesta Friday Angie!
Then you’ll probably be mad if I told you it was 75 deg this afternoon where I am. Sorry, had to rub it in 😀
Lovely features, Angie! How exciting that we are all co-hosts! Yay! Enjoy your weekend, Amazing A. Lots of love…
Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday! All co-hosts need a reminder to do their job! Lol, just kidding… But please, vote! 🙂
Of course, I will, Angie. But honestly, I placed a reminder on my phone. Been forgetting a lot of things lately. :/
Have a great trip. For some reason I do not see the blue link to hook up to the party???
I don’t see it either….
It’s back on now. Sorry, I guess it won’t let you link and vote simultaneously. Voting will have to start once link-up ends.
Thanks 🙂
Have a wonderful vacation!! But I can’t see the blue link up either 🙁
It’s back on now, MB!
Have a great trip, Angie. Happy FF!
Thanks, Natalie. Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday!
I feel like I’m always that weird kid who walks into the recipe party with some random post… But you’re always so nice, so I keep doing it! 🙂 I love the inspiration I get from here every week, and everyone’s photos are really encouraging me to work on my own food photography!
No, you’re not weird at all! You offer diversity! And I appreciate that! I’m multidimensional, you know 🙂
Lots of lovely stuff to eat here! 🙂
I know, right?! And I’m full from my dinner but yet still drooling over some of these linked posts! 🙂
Hope you have a great time and stay cool 🙂
Thanks! It was so nice this afternoon and now I actually have to turn up the thermostat in my room! 🙂
Have fun! Stay cool! Sending you a lot of love!
Thank you, Sridevi! I’m actually feeling a little cold in my hotel room right now! Isn’t it crazy? 🙂
Have a great trip Angie!
Thanks so much, Johanne!
Thanks for another lovely party.
No problem at all, Sadhna! 🙂
I’m sure your trip will be fun, Angie, and full of yummy food and wonderful places! And I’m happy to come back this time, missed all recipes and bloggers. 🙂
Hi there, stranger! Lol, I’m just kidding around. It’s great to see you, Mila. Btw, have you started making bread from the Tartine Bread book?
😀 Hello-hello! I’ve tried once, it was not very easy as I thought! 😀 but I will be trying and making again for sure. I need to take pics next time.
Thanks for the feature! Definitely a surprise when I went to post on Friday. I love this voting as well, and I’ve made sure to casts my votes already 🙂
You’re welcome! I love those squash flowers. Only problem is you have to wake up early to pick them. Usually by the time I get the chance to go look for them, they already close up 😀 I have several recipes, though, using these pretty flowers. Thanks for voting!
Honestly, I didn’t pick them when they were open, and they worked just fine. I imagine they’re easier to stuff when they’re open, but with a little patience and finesse, it can be done.
That’s exciting to know! I thought they’re past their prime once they close up. Not sure why I feel that way. But then I never said I was smart, haha…