Hi, friends! Just about a week is left in the school calendar year and I can hardly wait! I have several DIY/craft projects planned and I’m excited to start working on them.
One of the projects I’m thinking of doing is making a new photography background. I don’t know about you, but I get tired of using the same backgrounds over and over.
If I’m bored looking at my own photos, other people must be even more so. Oh, that Fiesta Friday person with the same photo background again. Doesn’t she have anything new?! I can almost hear it.
If everything turns out good, I’m sure I’ll be sharing the how-tos with you. I just have to make sure I document the steps.
Here’s to one more week of school and let the countdown begin!
From last week’s fiesta:
“I’m so making these! No ifs, ands, or buts! The watermelon pizza especially is so cool. What a brilliant idea!” — Angie
“I love donuts and bread pudding, but never thought of combining the two. It is such a genius idea to use donuts and I could almost imagine how awesome it is – I couldn’t stop thinking about it! — Jhuls
“This salad is a perfect summer dish and how amazing that this has more goodies than macaroni. More tuna and anything with eggs in it is always a winner for me! I’ll be making this for sure. And let me just notice how the eggs were cooked perfectly!” — Jhuls
“Now that’s how you serve milkshakes, everyone! How could anyone not want THIS, seriously!!” — Angie
Now, let’s party! Join Fiesta Friday #227 by adding your link. Don’t forget to link your post to FiestaFriday.net and the co-hosts’ blogs, so we can feature you. Your cohosts this week are Lizet @ Chipa by the dozen and Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook.
If you’re new to Fiesta Friday, please read the guidelines.
If you’re interested in becoming a cohost, please leave me a message.
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Angie, I was just thinking about backgrounds just before I took the photo of the Mango Lemonade I shared today. I feel the same – tired of seeing and using the same thing over and over again and also planning to make DIYs backgrounds. It was a plan 2 years back which until now I haven’t worked on it. You might inspire me. 😀 Happy Fiesta Friday and so excited to be co-hosting with Lizet. x
Thanks for staying for another round, Jhuls! You’re so sweet ? I look forward to seeing your new photo backgrounds. I haven’t decided on materials and colors. Should be fun playing around with different backgrounds.
I am always happy to co-host.?
I really hope I’ll get to work on them. I need a friend to help me out as I am not creative enought to mix and match. I am sure I’d be making a big mess if I’d do them alone.?
Hi Angie
Your photos and background are great! I don'[t think you need to worry about it but I feel the same sometimes with my own photos but there are so many “should do’s” I am trying to simply ignore them most of the time 🙂 It doesn’t always work too well.
have a lovely weekend an thank you for another brilliant Fiesta Friday! x
Thanks, Petra! I fancy myself an artist, and as an artist I feel the need to branch out sometimes, do something new, something different. Or maybe I’m just fickle minded and have no conviction ? Do you feel like cohosting one of these days?
I love your backgrounds. But I understand wanting something new. Yeee! for being almost done with school! we have 3 more week and ready to be done. Thanks Angie for letting me co-host this week. 🙂
My last day is June 19 and it can’t come soon enough for me! Getting new backgrounds is like getting new clothes, Lizet ? The old ones are still good, but you need new ones to bring excitement ? Thanks for cohosting; it’s very much appreciated ?
Hi Angie! You are on the home stretch!! School is almost out! I will look forward to seeing your how to’s. Happy FF 🙂
7 more days exactly, Arlene! I feel like it’s taking forever, lol. I’ll be sharing the howtos, promise.
Thanks so much for including the Donut Bread Pudding in your features! 🙂
It sounds pretty amazing, Nancy!
That is so funny because I just bought a whole bunch of stuff to make back grounds with last month, but haven’t decided how to proceed! I want something to put the food on to shoot it and something to put behind it, too, so you know, both vertical and horizontal. I can’t wait to see you you and Jhuls proceed!
Thanks guys, for featuring my Tuna Macaroni Salad! It’s such a great summer recipe!
We’re all feeling background fatigue ? It’d be good to compare notes on the diy. Too bad we don’t live near each other; we could borrow each other’s backgrounds. Wouldn’t that be nice ? If you can spare the time to cohost, let me know ???
Oh wow Angie, only one more week! We have just come back from our half-term break here in the UK and have got another 6.5 weeks to go before we can relax for entire 6 weeks of Summer holidays! Look forward to seeing your diy backgrounds, I could do with something new so will watch the space 🙂 Have a great week and fantastic FF!
It seems you guys have more days of school over there. No wonder American students rank poorly academically, but seriously once the weather warms up, who can study anymore? ? I do have a few ideas for the diy backgrounds, will share if they’re successful ?
What… you’re almost done with school for this year! Oh my… mine would want to move if they knew that! lol! Ooo, more garden time coming up then, what have you got growing now? Oh yes, I’m back! Did you miss me! Finally I’ve got a new website (yay!) I’ve moved all the posts and comments over but it’s an all new look on a self-hosted website – and of course now it’s done I’ll be happy to co-host again! 😀 Loving that featured watermelon pizza – we made one the other day but not so pretty… I think I’ll borrow this for our barbecue party next weekend!
It’s 180 days of school in a calendar year. I think that’s long enough. By this time, we’re usually limping to the finish line ? Yes, more garden time, yay! I started late with the garden this year, mostly I’ve planted herbs and greens so far. What week is good for you to cohost, just let me know and I’ll put you down. Can’t get to your new site somehow, but will try again later. Congratulations! Exciting!!
Our children do 190 days.. teachers 195 days! But they’ve only just gone back so still six weeks left! My new site is definitely up and running (maybe you caught it doing back ups or updates- in middle of the night on UK time)!? My herbs are going wild and my greens are getting there – strawberries out and raspberries almost red, ooo, something new – hubby decided melon (not cucamelon!) would be good to try so we’ve got those plants coming along nicely! I’ll let you know about co-hosting, it’s Eid next weekend so we’re a bit busy at the minute! 😀 x
I often forget that the school holidays run so differently in the UK. We have until the end of July before the school’s break up!
Lovely bright round-up Angie. That milkshake is absolutely crazy! x
Thanks for hosting this delicious party!
You’re welcome! ?
Hi, Angie! Thank you so much for featuring my watermelon concoctions 😀 Hope you’re having an amazing weekend!
Love the watermelon concoctions so much!! Thanks for linking up! ?